Friday, August 8, 2008

the Minion Journals: Aug. 6, 08

IM HOME!!! couldn't say THAT loud enough!

Dearest Minions,
Amidst the general hubbub of activity, Beenie playing with my pencil, and mildly intrested onlookers...
Amidst Jack yelling and, on the recent quietness, silence: CAMP, no DANCE CAMP. More readily called 'hell on earth' or 'place where weirdos are', camp is somewhat as I have described. I've heard that perogies are on the menu for lunch... *yum*
Back to what I was saying - before I got on food - camp. Tis a boring subject. We do nothing but dance, drive each other nuts, eat, stay up late chatting 'bout girlly things, and sleep [my personal fav!]. What is there to say? Our melodramatic-ness hits full blast when you put us together! This morning's ever fateful event was me loosing one contact. [yes, I know life SUCKS!]
Now Beenie and Lara are doing landyards, Stephie S. innocently playing with her waterbottle; my brother with Beenie, Tabby, and myself sing VeggieTales Classics like the following:
The Water Buffalo
Barbra Manatee
I'm So Blue
I love My Duck
As you can READ, we are either VERY bored or VERY insane. Currently going through the 8 Polish Christmas Dishes like the 12 days of Christmas. It's SOOOO halarious [my new fav word!]. ok, now its the three yummie cookies...
You wonder why we're - o God is bigger than the boogie man he's... - sorry, wonder WHY we're still on this. The answer is that i have NO CLUE!

Much love, dears,


Anonymous said...

Tai...I do not know what that entry was about, but it sounded like strangeness.

Asiat Averas said...

i a sure you IT WAS STRANGE! this one guy named joe kept staring at me it's like I SAW U LAST YR AT THE RALLY TWIT! ahahaha

Olivia Krišková said...

omg, i am soooooooo glad i missed out on the past three days at camp!!!! somehow though, I can imagine us thinking of ra, singing veggie tale songs, amidst jack yelling, you trying to write and us eating pyrohy...beyond strange...but that's our life isn't it? oh well, u survived. congratulations.

hey, cherrios - smile!