Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Isle of Mists Trilogy


Vortican said...

I has a sad -_-
I can no get the quiz to work. However will I find my fictional man of destiny?! I guess I'll just have to stick with Faramir for now *o*!

Vortican said...

*o* *o* *o*
A finally got the quiz to work and the results are scary:

"This is one Gondorian who knows how to make you love him. Your fiery personality is perfect for lashing out at those who doubt your husband's quality and amazing skill. Faramir will do anything for you-- even if it means risking his life for a shiny ring. (I certainly hope you aren't actually thinking about sending him to do that for you...) In any case, I believe you will be very happy together. Invite me to the wedding please!"

I guess we were meant to be, I even loved him way before the LOTR movies!! It's really strange that those are the quiz results tho!

hey, cherrios - smile!