Sunday, March 8, 2009

Let them eat cake.

Hello, my dears. I know it's been a while, forgive me. I have been ill, but right now, I've got tons to say.

Welcome to the post of Opinions. Opinions on everything from books, to the French Revolution, to Daylight Savings, to Katy Perry, to how D.S. ruined my day, to dance practice. I can hear it now...

All of you: Oh, joy. *communative rolling of eyes* At least she's back.

I hate Daylight Savings. I don't see the point of getting an extra hour of sunlight - can't you be happy with what you have? Got to be a little greedy, eh? I run on a nocturnal cycle anyways... what's the point of extra sunlight? You end up waking up at six AM and realizing it looks like midnight outside. Daylight Savings ruined my day. I'm in bed reading [this book will come up in the "books" topic] and my mother screams "Are you ready yet?" and I'm like... WHAT??? That has to be the fastest time I EVER EVER EVER changed into heels. Scratch "Daylight Savings" and "how D.S. ruined my day".

Left: Books, French Revolution, Dance Practice, and Katy Perry.

French Revolution it is. In Religion, we're doing a history class. [somehow it's relevant to all Confirmation students to learn the history of the Church. I was already "Confirmed" so it's whatever for me.] And hear we are, after Saxons, the Golden Age [Elizebethan Era], and the Industrial Revolution, we've reached the French Revolution. This is SO much more fun than Social Studies. No Maps. YAY!

God I love Marie Antionette. She's not the heroine of the F.R., she's the infamous bad girl that wasted the French crown's money. "Let them eat cake," right? Nope. She never said that - no matter the rumors. That sucks because it's an awesome quote... I wonder who really said it.


*comes back to earth* Anyways, it wasn't all Antionette's fault. It was past French Kings, bad parenting, and year upon years of debt which can all lead back to the "bad parenting" part.

Okay, Dance was a terrible sweaty experience. Dance [on the Sunday group] is the only reason I take cold showers. For all my buds, you know I almost never sweat. Sweat and people are the main reason I hate the Sunday Group.

Katy Perry is amazing. Thinking of You, I Kissed a Girl [controversy, controversy!], and Hot n' Cold are the background music of my life with the accasional Chasing Pavements and BLG songs.]

BOOKS: I know we all pretty much obsess over this topic. The book from the Daylight Savings section is called Speak. It's amazing, witty, and funny... but tragic and depressing. Doesn't it sound like my kind of story? At first, when I heard Kirsten Stewart played in the movie I was like, "She's going to ruin another one of my favorite books?" and then, after seeing it on YouTube, "She didn't ruin it... it's pretty good." the only complaint of that movie is that they took WAY too many direct quotes. :D :D :D

It's 11:52 P.M. and I still have a poem to write n' print for class tomorrow.

Wish me luck on the Terra Novas [SAT's or whatever else you call them]. I can say that the "get a good night's sleep" part doesn't apply.

All my love,



Vortican said...

I see how it is! First you post a short note about how busy "writing" you are, then you don't even post any of the said writing!>_< Don't tell me FoRM is already on its way to story limbo!

Vortican said...

That said...I also hate Daylight Savings. It takes like a week to get used to the change. (Oh I don't have to get up yet, it's only 6am...Wait...did I turn this clock ahead yet...Crap!!! It's already 7am!!! I'm gonna be late!!!)

Vortican said...

Writing poetry at midnight?! That's either gonna turn out amazing or amazingly bad! Hopefully, for the sake of your grade, it's not the latter! ^_~

Asiat Averas said...

Vortican, it's an Afro-American contest. I'm to write a poem on an African American that changed history. In search for something easy, I wrote a poem about Harriet Tubman. It's not so bad.

All my love,


Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

OKAY. I have many things to comment about on this post!
Number one: DS SUCKS eggs. If it's dark at nine, it's dark at nine. And if it's light at nine, then so be it, it's light at nine! Leave us all alone with your fake DS time!
Moving on, the FRENCH REVOLUTION is one of my favourite times in history EVER, and OMFG you've mentioned Marie Antoinette...who just so happens to be one of my most favourite people in the entire world (of which I think I have told you about on several occasions.).
Of course she did not say "Let them eat cake!" You were wondering who really said this?
Louis XIV's wife who said this during a bread famine.

Annnnnd, one more thing:
Katy Perry=woo!
I punched a guy, and I liked it...

hey, cherrios - smile!