Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I think this applies:

so i finished Breaking Dawn [and I'm sure you are all happy that I'm not lighting this blog on fire with girly squees] and i think this particular phrase from the Hunchback of NotreDame appllies:

"I'm free! I'm free! DANG IT!"

[from the Disney Movie of course!]

I'm free, but not more Edward Cullen : ( boo hoo, but plenty of ideas : )

All my love,



Tabitha said...

Oh I just finished Breaking Dawn too!!! Ahhhh! I love a happy ending...I cannot wait until the movie comes out!!! I am so in the mood to write some romance!

Tabitha said...

p.s. the red writing is wigging out my eyes!

Asiat Averas said...

Alexander Lucas awaits, my dear. he awaits you to write his future. I would not anger him.
All my love,
PS: I am going to venture so far as to say.. do not anger me either. Alexander provides a litte escape from reality.

Vortican said...

Alexander Lucas...
Sounds mysterious, rar!

Vortican said...

If you need something new to read, I could make a few recommendations:
"Keurah and Lord Death" I usually don't go for romantic stories, but this one is reallly good. It totally had me in tears *_*
"Dragon Slippers" Loved this one! Its like a fairy tale with more twists than I expected! plus dragons!
"Blood and Chocolate" So different from the movie! About a werewolf chic and the different aspects of love and family.
I got all these (and many more) from the library, but you might find them on your eye-destroying-reading-online-website!

Asiat Averas said...

who is blood and chocolate by?

All my love,


hey, cherrios - smile!