Monday, September 29, 2008

Five Min. to Midnight

by boys like girls... it's a great song actually : )

Yeh, Sphinxy dear, i no you don't like them!! or Good Charlotte...

okay... Vortican: IT'S DILLAN : ) but I'm SOOOO open to suggestions : )

Olivia: yeh romance has caught me and pulled... HARD!!!

now i'm listening to Hero/Heroine by BLG

and now INTO-ING my replacement:

Hugs and Kisses,



Olivia Krišková said...

Asiat: Ha, I knew it - 23.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, sorry Asiat, BLG smell like...rotten cheese.

Vortican said...

I emailed an Agar fanfic I wrote to your comcast account! Please read it!! That's right, you have inspired me to try my hand at writing. Hope you don't mind me borrowing your characters (too bad if you do ^_~)

I could also post it here if you like!

hey, cherrios - smile!