Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm SORRY everyone! I haven't posted in ever for... many reasons. Main reason: I haven't written in, like, two weeks. LOLZ LOOK WHAT IT IS???

My Lizzie – Prologue

To my dead friend, Will,
Too long has it been since we have last traded letters. Your mother is pleased to inform me that rumor says you are to come home. She begs me to ask if you intend on doing so. With a teasing not, I ask do you, a man of London, intend of returning to your lowly country home?
Elizabeth Tedrow

Dear Lizzie,
Too long indeed. You may tell my mother that her son is at long last returning home – and happily so. Rumor has also whispered in my ear – it tells me that my return will be to hear the Enchorage chapel wedding bells. Tell me, old friend, who is the fellow? I cannot wait to meet him. I shall wonder whether we shall laugh or duel.
All the best,
William Vetour

I certainly hope you do not duel, for then I will loose a husband or a beloved friend and shall be very disagreeable indeed. Your mother once again beseeches me to ask when you plan to arrive at Willford Estate and if you will call on me first. I must smile and laugh at such talk. My betrothed is Mr. Samuel Swan of Bedfellow Estate. I will pray that you do not duel, Will.
Elizabeth Tedrow

Dear Elizabeth,
I have met Mr. Swan one several occasions and found him very agreeable. I wish you happy. Please tell my mother that I will return to Willford and then pay calls to my friends. I assume that I shall not have to call at Enchorage if you still spend as much time there as you did when I was home.
All the best,
William Vetour

I just wrote that yesterday and today :D :D :D!!! YAHOO!!!! so i'll put on the rest when i finish the chapter1-scene!


*wink, wink* love ya'll!



Vortican said...

"To my 'dead' friend, Will,"

>o< Oh Noooo! Zombies!!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist!

Vortican said...

I like how the story unfolds through Lizzie and Will's correspondence. It definately sets the Regency scene. You also have done a really good job capturing the style of the period. Both Lizzie and Will are extremely polite, but the way that the letters are worded you get the feeling that alot more is going on beneath the surface. Like when Will writes "I wish you happy." you know that he truly does want her to be happy but at the same time that sentiment seems to be laced with regret, Lizzie will marry someone else.

Vortican said...

Even if you write the main body of the story in traditional prose, you should definately add several letters between chapters or something!!

Vortican said...

Why do I always get the wierd comment "Word Verification" words. One time it was "wasted" now this time it's "marry"!? What is the Blogspot comment security trying to tell me?! I'm not sure I like what it's suggesting. "Be wasted before you marry" or maybe it is proposing to me? Ahhhhh! I need to get back to work...mind wandering too strangely...only a like 7 hours sleep over past 2 days...

Vortican said...

Sorry I lost it for a second there during the last comment. O_o
*deep breathe*
I'm alright now! ^_~

Asiat Averas said...

o shoot. my dead friend. that's fresh :D :D :D sorry guys!


hey, cherrios - smile!