Friday, June 12, 2009


So, I know that I promised E.C.P.M that this next post would be SoED's debut, but, well, I lied. :P deal. Reason being that my laptop's connection is shoty at best. (is there a way to spell shoty???) No, this is a comment on Vortican's comments. I really should put my "dead" friend Will in the dedication. I can see it now... To Vortican - meet my dead friend Will. Yes, I laugh at my own typos.

Now, Vort. also said that you can tell that Will regrets that he didn't ask Lizzie to marry him, but at the time he doesn't even realize that he loves her (in that way.) Currently, he plays the part of the loyal bff. :P If any of you have ever read the Luxe then it's something like the relationship between Penelope and (i forgot his name!!!)

Don't worry, there are some correspondence dashed in there with the common letter. And, right before the wedding, Lizzie (because of Sam Swan) is forced to end her relationship with Will. She continues it in secrecy through her letters addressed to a Ms. Williana Vetour (aka - Mr. William Vetour!!! I am genius :D). Through this correspondence and visits to Ms. Williana, Will finds that Swan has beaten Lizzie so often as to kill there first child ;( THEN, when Will has had enough, he meets Lizzie on a dark rain soaked night they declare their love for each other and Will then goes off to duel Swan. And... if I told you the end of the story, I would seriously spoil EVERYTHING, so I won't. :P

SO I am awesome!

And Vortican, if your computer is proposing to you, I'd dump it - or give it your number (well, give it the number that goes to the rejection hotline. Imagine it calling you only to hear, "You have been rejected!")

Well, thus ends the blog post on... comments. I had a really good laugh with some of them (my dead friend!).

Live long an' prosper, homies!



Vortican said...

Things get really serious in My Lizzie...spousal abuse, child-murder, duels to the death, rain soaked rendevous (rawr! to this last one)!

Vortican said...

I have been carefully avoiding my computer, hoping that it gets the idea to back off! ^_~

hey, cherrios - smile!