Okay, I'll start again, for all you idiots who have no clue who 'Abbey' is from NCIS.. well:
She's really great... funny too! and exactly like... OMA [agar yeps!] Erin!!
'Nother thing: will be at my editor's house for a All Hallows' Eve PAR-tay! [severed limbs *_*]
Peace, Love, and
Happy Halloween!
um...a) totally know who abbey is...and b)she is totally my fave on NCIS except for Gibs of course...lyl
Nic pic of Abbey! She is a really cool character! Just waitin' for her and McGee to realize their feelings for each other!
Glad you had a Halloween party!
Woooo Trick or Treat!
Vampires, Twilight style!
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