Friday, October 31, 2008

For All you Idiots : )

Okay, I'll start again, for all you idiots who have no clue who 'Abbey' is from NCIS.. well:
She's really great... funny too! and exactly like... OMA [agar yeps!] Erin!!
'Nother thing: will be at my editor's house for a All Hallows' Eve PAR-tay! [severed limbs *_*]
Peace, Love, and
Happy Halloween!


Tabitha said...

um...a) totally know who abbey is...and b)she is totally my fave on NCIS except for Gibs of course...lyl

Vortican said...

Nic pic of Abbey! She is a really cool character! Just waitin' for her and McGee to realize their feelings for each other!

Vortican said...

Glad you had a Halloween party!
Woooo Trick or Treat!
Vampires, Twilight style!

hey, cherrios - smile!