Saturday, September 13, 2008

PUR-fectly Autum.

so today was - is - the perfect day. AuTuM. It just screams it.

The dark foreboding grey sky.

and - God favors me with rain - so it drizzled all day.

Today is my brother's 16th birthday [i know, we're getting SOOOO old!]

and even better [I find this amazingly funny!] the Carrick football team was playing in the football stadium that i like to call my backyard and their band was playing the bagpipe. it was halarious because I was outside reading Twilight and fantasizing about Edward's amazing-ness [I'm playing baseball for all you ppl who have read it already!] .

o did anyone notice something different?

Perhaps Elf-Wise?

All my love,


1 comment:

Tabitha said...

New title book??? need to spill love ya lots

hey, cherrios - smile!