on recent instruction to grab as many details of Agar as possible by Vortican [who i just saw like an hour ago...] here is everything I can currenty THINK OF!
a little of our all fav-ed Robert Pattinson - or Edward Cullen, whoever you choose. Agar's got the same smoldering amber eyes [which you cannot see in this photo!] that makes girls squee w/ deight. Next up:
VORTICAN don't murder me... it is, of course, Ben Barnes aka Prince Caspian - the hair the hair the HAIR!!! Agar has the most gorgeous black hair that makes you go [literally] mad.  ;The perfect curves that just create this 'M' around his incandescent face... O M A [o my Agar!]
AND it's just got to have this guy's nose and forearms [ i don't think Agar could live without them : ) ]
o and just one more thing...
FORGET Agar's perfectly marvelous other side - he is a were-panther after all....
So I bid the farewell and pleasant dreams [of our current subject : )]
All my Love,
Oh! a werepanther!! Even better than a werewolf! Forget everybosy else, looking like Ben Barnes is enough for me!! That gorgeous hair! I think you said it well! Don't forget his adorable accent!
Squee!! \*o*/
Pleasent dreams indeed!!
One more thing...
THe pictures so totally enhance this post! Words are great, but sometimes the visual aid really adds alot ^_~!
Great pic selection by the way!
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