“There a reason you don’t want me to meet ‘Mercy’?” I asked.
“Andy Mercy is a rookie, Ms. Clare,” Jack said, looking forward. “He wouldn’t know the first thing about protecting anybody.”
“Ain’t you a nice fella,” I said sarcastically.
“Ain’t I, though?” he laughed. “Where do you two live?”
“Just down the street,” I said, leading the way with Allan. I got to the dark apartment building and took out my key. “This is it,” I said. “Home sweet home.” I lead him up the stairs, opened the door, and turned on the lights.
“Get down!” Jack roared, shoving Allan and me down on the floor. I heard gunshots and then more as Jack returned fire.
Suddenly there was silence.
“Is everyone okay?” Jack asked, his voice breaking unevenly.
“Yeah, I think so,” I said. “Allan?”
“Here, mum,” I heard him call. I sighed deeply.
“Thank God,” I whispered. Tears came into my eyes. “Oh thank God.” Allan crawled into my arms in an array of glass.
“Thank God, mum,” he said innocently. “He always protects us.”
“He has a pretty good idea of protection,” Jack said sarcastically.
“Excuse me,” I said. “A little less negativity.”
“Sorry,” Jack said. I could tell he didn’t mean it.
“C’mon, Allan, let’s get you to bed,” I said, taking his hand.
“Ms. Clare, there’s no way you’re staying here tonight,” Jack said seriously. “I’m calling Chief.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Allan, let’s go get packed,” I said. Allan and I walked to the dresser and began packing our few possessions into suitcases. I helped Allan into his pajamas. I picked him up and he fell asleep with his head on my shoulder.
Jack hung the telephone up and turned to me.
“Chief says we have to find you somewhere else to stay,” Jack said.
“I have a feeling you know where,” I said, shifting Allan’s weight.
“Yeah,” he said, picking up our bags. “Mercy’s got a car waiting.” We snuck downstairs and jumped into the back seat of Mercy’s car. Mercy turned from the driver’s seat.
“Hey there, I’m Andy Mercy,” he said. “Just call me Andy.”
“I’m Kristy Clare, Andy,” I replied, quickly shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Pedal to the metal, Mercy,” Jack said roughly. “We’re not being followed just yet.”
“Yes, sir,” Andy said. Allan woke up half way through the journey, but I lulled him back to sleep.
“Mum?” Jack asked, walking into the big house. He lived in the middle of the country, too; or at least his mum did. “Mum?” he called again.
“I’m coming,” she said. She came out of the kitchen in a bathrobe. “Chief called earlier to explain the situation. Hey there, Andy! And you must be Ms. Clare!”
“Just Kristy,” I said quietly. “This is Allan.”
“I’m Emilia Wilson. He’s adorable,” she smiled. “I’ll take you to your rooms.” She took us to a small child’s room. “Here’s where Allan’ll sleep.”
“Excuse me, I’m so sorry, but do you mind if Allan sleeps with me? I’d feel safer if he did for now,” I said. I wasn’t all that willing to let him go when there were killers after us.
“Oh, sure. Less sheets to wash,” she said. She lead us to another big room. “Here you go. G’night, Ms. Clare.”
“Kristy, please,” I smiled.
“Good night, Kristy,” she replied. “Sleep well, both of you."
... :(
Tee hee! Looks like I've neglected commenting long enough!
You continue to keep the dialogue nicely in the period. All the right slang etc really adds to the overall atmosphere!
So we're at Jack's Mum's home in the country...the plot thickens!
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