Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sounding like a Jesus-Freak

THIS is the PouringMyHeartOut/ContemplatingLife Post. And don't worry, I'll keep it brief... not.

So many of you know that I've become.. cynical? harsh? completely lost?... forgive me for that. It was a combo of life, school, and my book-dom (book-kingdom) crashing down on me.
Life problems = a sick feeling that all my friends are going to up and leave me for no good reason at all. This also comes into play with some of my latest nightmares. I'm seriously scared that I'll loose all of my friends if I become famous or actually publish. I'm afraid I'm going to loose you guys ;( I sound so mushy, but it's really true!
School problems = this is, like, a biggie. Ya know when you go to school and you're not only the outcast, but the outcast who doesn't care. Aren't they supposed to leave you alone after you stop caring??? Oh, well. It's a case of seeing people I hate too much and seeing people I love too little. There's really nothing I can do about that.
Book-dom problems = this is more of a case of 'What the heck am I going to work on next?' and 'How do these authors make it through the second draft?' - itis. I'm really NOT sure what I want to do next. Along with the fact that I want to start a fictional story-blog about a mom who dies of cancer and leaves a diary for her son... it's REALLLLLLLYYYYYY depressing/sad and I'm not sure if anyone would read this, but it's a pretty cooooool idea. Add unto ALLLL of that that I'm still working on both 50EPOL and SoED AND the second draft of FoRM... Lord have mercy! So I'd like to see if any of you would consider reading the cancer-diary-blog story - just comment, darlings.

Well, I'm gonna flee... and continue watching Under The Greenwood Tree. lol, hopeless non-romance-believing-romantic that I am.


Live Long and Prosper,



Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

Doesn't the cancer story sound a bit too much like Suzzane's Diary For Nicholas?
If you decide to write this story anyway, maybe you can make it where the mom was an author of memoirs, and she died before her son was old enough to read, so now he is discovering who is mother was through her writing?
Just a thought.

Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

And, I can't wait for SoED!

Vortican said...

That's alot of issues!
At least your school problems are over today! WooHoo Graduation Day!! Summer vacation time!

Vortican said...

Don't worry about all your friends leaving your famous author self! I'll still be there even if you start acting like a famous diva (some one's gotta keep you in check, and I'm sure ECPM will help out too! ^_~).

Vortican said...

I don't know if I could handle a story as depressing as the one you propose, but if you need to write, I need to read it.
Glad to hear you're still working on SoED and second drafting FoRM. DOn't forget Raphael!!

Vortican said...

Under the Greenwood Tree??
Let me's some BBC romance set in the regency period, all love and politeness.
(Am I right?)

Vortican said...

Why does this post have Jesus-Freak in the title? i r cunfuzed?

Vortican said...

3 weeks til Transformers!! WOoo!

Vortican said...

Go Pens!!

Vortican said...

Comment Record!!
The big 1-0! Double digits! Woooooooo!
(although I was kind stretching it out alittle ^_~)

Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

Haha Vortican, I love your random comments!!
Transformers, WOO!
And yes, rest assured that I will pop Chi in the head if she ever gets a fame-inflated head... o.O

Vortican said...


You've been on summer vacation for like a whole week already and have not posted at all?!?

FYI: Transformers tix are on sale! Midnight Tuesday 06/23/09 Who's in?

hey, cherrios - smile!