no FoRM, sorry. This is an update...
but, as Vortican knows, I'm working on a long-forgotten work. [and don't any of you DARE mentions this bloggo's namesake... and Vortican don't spoil it!] but I was having some trouble with inspiration... having trouble creating the scenes of this great epic... and then!
O, geez, this is the third time in four days I'm crying... I watched one of those awe-inspiring period dramas... one of my ultimate favs, Jane Eyre. I've read the book so many times, I've lost count. I've seen the movie [with ruth wilson and toby stephens... gah!] and sweetness, I've GOT IT!!!
"You've got it," as my English teacher says. and I eagerly await posting it on Holy Saturday. [the delay is only because I'm going to need to do some mojo typing up of it... eek!]
All my love, dears,
Spoiler Alert!
THe work in question can be described as...Rawr!
Oh wait...that describes approximatley 99.9% of things on this blog.
Spoiler False Alarm!
So you're going to make us wait until Holy Saturday? What gives? Aren't you off of school now? Get to typing!
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