Another look at the many Opinions of Asiat.
I hate Terra Novas [SAT's the like]. It's the same routine. Read, answer, fill circle, repeat. The only plus side is plenty of reading time and snacks.
AND my other opinion of the day has been forgotten.
A nice tidbit is that my bedroom is cleaned. For the first time in months, I can see my dresser. YAY for spring. Not so much yay for Spring Cleaning. :(
Plus side is that I'm rewarding myself for the cleaning: chocolate and art. I'm going to destroy the walls with acrylic paint and paper. Yahoo!
As for the books, FoRM has not gone underground or limbo. I'm just working it into a fine work of perfection - and it's been going slow. I've been writing more 50 Extra Pounds of Love than anything. I'm not sure if I'll ever post that one either. You'll have to wait and see. Don't worry, FoRM is coming.
All my love,
50 Extra Pounds of Love?! Is it a romance novel about sumo wrestlers?
Terra Novas..."Please fill in the circle completely, make you mark heavy and dark, use only no.2 pencils. If you decide to change your answer, erase the previous mark completely..." I remember the days of standardized testing -_- At least they can't last forever!
I love bubble tests!
(the fill in the circle ones!)
It was one of my favourite times of year when we had to take those.
And Vortican, LOL...50 Extra Pounds of Love is actually a love story about two sumo wrestlers, and one loves the other so much that he gains 50 more pounds to qualify for the heavyweight class...
Ok, no.
ECPM thats a great idea! Hey that Asiat you should run with the sumo romance. It could be an entirely new genre!
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