Speaking of kick ass... Tonia's latest stunt, everybody.
I got tired of hearing this boring conversation and left them, saying I was going to lie down and that I had a headache. Adam followed soon after, a troubled look on his face.
We sat in silence for a while.
“You like her, don’t you,” I said staring at the other side of the plane.
“Who?” Adam asked, surprised.
“Tonia,” I answered, thrusting my chin to where they sat, laughing and joking. He looked at me.
“No, I can’t,” he said. I knew what he meant. It was considered kind of scandalous – but not unheard of – for a Legend-Seeker to fall in love with their guardian. I thought that that ‘rule’ was just plain stupid.
“Sure you can,” I said. His eyes widened as he looked at me. I glanced at him and looked back at the other wall. “It’s a stupid rule. It’s just meant to make us feel like we’re better than guardians, but they’re human too. We have no right to push them down like that. A lot of the new generations of Legend-Seekers are friends with their guardians. It’s just the older ones that have a problem – obsessed with their social status.”
“Aren’t you opinionated,” he said ruefully.
“Yep, my dad hates it. Guardians have it easier.” Another reason I was – I wasn’t sure what the right word was – of Tonia. I mean, sure, I loved her and she was my best friend, but she had an easier life – a life that wasn’t constricted by social etiquette.
“You jealous that she has more freedom aren’t you?” Adam said quietly. Wow, he was good at that – perfectly landed the word I hadn’t thought of.
‘I’m jealous for a lot of reasons.”
“Like?” Adam asked.
“Like, sure, she has a hell of a lot more freedom; she’s pretty and I’m not; she can talk to guys without messing up like me…” I realized that this was true. I was jealous of Tonia.
“You talk to me,” he said quietly.
“You’re different,” I replied, defensive. He frowned. “Oh, Adam, I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, you’re just about twenty times easier to talk to than any guy I know. And, well, I don’t think about you in that way.”
“That’s alright, Tessy, dear,” Adam said, putting his hand on mine. Suddenly, Felix called us over – from the cockpit. I peeked my head in and there was Tonia – driving the damn plane.
“Well, hey there, Tess,” she said laughing. She left her eyes off the equipment a little too long and the plane swung to the right. Everyone fell and more than a few of the plane attendants swore loudly. Adam placed his arm around my waist – the way only Adyin put his arm around me. Felix’s eyebrows shot up when he saw that arm. Let him be jealous, I thought. Maybe I could make Tonia jealous. Maybe, for once, I could have something Tonia didn’t have. But, back in the moment, I was pretty angry at being tossed around – and I hadn’t been kidding about that headache. The pilot quickly got hold of the plane. Tonia looked at the floor sheepishly.
“Damn it, Antonia Estella Ivanov!” I scowled. Her eyes widened. It was the first time I’d ever used her full name. “Don’t you think about anything before you do it?” Her face changed from shock to hurt. I didn’t care. It was time she learned that the world wasn’t hers to experiment on. People got hurt if you didn’t watch it. I stormed off to the back of the plane – where my dad had been – so that no one would follow me.
All my love, darlings,
Lizzie Kershaw??
I knew you couldn't resist the romantic drama. Although I have to say, somewhat creepy romance added. In the previous entry, you revealed that both Adam and Felix are Tess's cousins. Now they are both "after" her and getting jealous of each other...kinda wrong! O_O
What's going on ?! Tess sure took a turn for the bitter. Before she was amused by Tonia grand canyon stunt and busy figuring out if Adyin's hotness was worth her time. Now she has a headache, snaps at Tonia, and displays a rather mean jealous streak. Too much drama (and cousin love triangles)!
I like the open freindship between Adam and Tess tho. They interact kinds like brother and sister, so maybe romance should get in the way of their relationship. Tell Adam to watch where he's putting those hands!! *o*
I still really like Tonia; what a great character! She is so freespirited, just doing whatever comes along with no thought to consequences at all. Despite the carefree attitude, she truly does care about her friends by how she reacts to Adam's worrying and Tess's outburst.
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