As promised, the Official Glossary of slang used [previously, or in the future] on the blog :D
Hand Sanatizer - 1) dissolver of baby goo 2) also known as foofing
Gingeraleating - 1) having fun 2) being random 3) indulging in food
Tunage - tunes; multiple tunes; good tunes
The Knee-High Joke - wardrobe malfunctions that have to do with knee-highs
A-Hem Shoes - really shmexy/hot shoes [that smoke and light the rug on fire.]
Mancandy - 1) "ssssssssssss" guys 2) guys that smoke and light their pants/shirts/undergarments/blushy girls on fire.]
John Newton - a person incognito
Foofing - 1) see Hand Sanatizer 2) passing gas
Random Singing - singing... randomly
Random Reading - reading random stuff [usuallly of a sexual nature]
*rar* - noise made when inappropriate thoughts occur
Gaybook - 1) "the Book" 2) Facebook
Mash - hanging out [i.e. I'm going to mash on your bed.]
Doming - laying your head in a delicate manner
Babies - the makers of baby goo
Tish-feet - my brother's feet
Now, the mentionable people/ handshakes of the blog:
Mama Levy - Asiat Averas's second mom
Passion Derelict - Asiat Averas's best friend
Sippyeh - Passion's bro; also Asiat's friend
Sphinx - 1) Exploding Custard Pants Man! 2) Editor 3) Author of "Letters from the Editor"
Vortican Todd - 1) Asiat's illustrator 2) good friends and writer of awesome comments
Olivia - 1) hopelessly romantic 2) maker of some pretty awesome times
Tabby Cat - 1) Tabitha 2) also maker of some pretty awesome times
Sistine Chapel - handshake of Sippyeh and Asiat
Punch - handshake of Passion and Asiat
The Flip - handshake of Sphinx and Asiat
Hug - general greeting for all readers/friends of the blog
:D :D :D Smile, laugh, re-read if necessary.
Ever Yours,
That is quite the list! You sure have alot of random slang stored up here, although Mancandy needs no explanation! \^o^/
I must say... I someone stated' "I'm going to mash on your bed" I would be concerned and possibly frightened! It just sounds totally creepy!
Off the topic...did you enter Auntie Heather's contest? You need to post "Love at First Bite" already!!
Although, I'll let you off the hook if you provide a few more details about the Firebirds of the Russian Mountains. ^_~
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