Friday, January 23, 2009

Vortican Said IT

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!



And a Birthday gift? For YOU of course! How could I forget.

As you know, I'm revising D.J. before I send it off and, to make it longer, I've added "Deleted Scenes"

Here's one... It may not make much sense, but you'll get it; it's just random romance... Olivia will automatically get how alike D.J. and I are: WE HATE THE TRUE LOVE CRAP!!!

The “The guy that you love and breaks your heart is a bastard” speech.

“Jason, I’m going to try to explain it to you. There’s a lot of girls that have their hearts broken… and the guys who break them are bastards. It’s hard for a gal to… forgive men in general. But they’re bastards bastards bastards! They tell you they love you and abandon you – leave you high and dry. It’s impossible to forgive men for what insensitive bastards they are! They never, ever change! Gosh, what’s wrong with all you men.”
“Do you think all men are like that?” I asked, leaning against the wall next to Delilah. “Do you really think that none of us grow more mature or change? If so, you’re so very wrong, Delilah.”
“I’m sorry if you believe differently, but I’ve got nothing to prove otherwise.”

Ever Yours,



Unknown said...

I am SO sorry I missed your b-day.
I hope you had a good one!

Asiat Averas said...

I did, Ang. :D

Ever Yours,


Vortican said...

Whoa! That's a pretty harsh speech!
What did Jason do to tick off DJ so bad! Random note, the total count of uses of the word "bastard" in that one paragraph is 5! Jason's got alot of work to do if he's gonna win her over O_O

Vortican said...

Oh, by the way, love the title of this post! I hope you had a great day, even if it was filled with Gladiators on Ice!

hey, cherrios - smile!