Sunday, January 18, 2009

Milk, Cookies, & Movies

That's a priceless combo, isn't it? My awesome milk-and-caramel chip cookies, classic organic milk, and Persuasion for some serious guy action :D Yay for me. I get cookies and mancandy... yum yum.

Yeah, so Cpt. Wentworth and his big sexy blue eyes are calling me....

See you later!

Ever Yours,



Vortican said...

Mmmm! Mancandy! The best candy of all! ^o^
Combining mancandy with caramel chip cookies might be too much for the faint of heart, but if you can handle it, life doesn't get much better!!
I think Exploding Custard Pants Man would agree!

Vortican said...

What is this "Persuasion" of which you speak?
Tho if it features mancandy, it must be awesome!!

Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

Huzzah for Persuasion!

Yes Vortican, I would most certainly agree!!
Mancandy cannot be beaten, though adding cookies just might set my custardy pants aflame.

Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...

PS Blue eyes are SOOO sexeh!!!

Vortican said...

Custard Pants - FLAME ON!!!

hey, cherrios - smile!