Thursday, December 25, 2008


so this is the first official post from my laptop :D i <3>


So I decided that my good mood, depressive music [what a combo!], and my next book... have all contributed to this post!

my next work is To Grind Coffee Beans...

Hugh Arington and Alexandria Forthing are just two teens in their small town. Hugh's family is abnormally rich and Hugh has everything he could ask for. Alex is very poor. She doesn't invite anyone over because her house is falling apart... like no door or anything. Alex focuses on keeping her mom's medication coming and putting food on the table.

Overall it seems that Alex has a much worse off life than Hugh, but not so! Hugh's family looses all their money in a recession and Hugh resorts to drinking to relieve his stress. It's his 'scape goat' because his parents are becoming abusive and he just wants out. Hugh and Alex have been friends forever, but suddenly Hugh is pushing her away. She decides that it's time she told the truth. She shows him her house and her mom - who is dying of luekemia.

Hugh is distraught at how much worse Alex's life is - and he never knew.

Suddenly, he thinks he's such a bad person - how terrible he's been to Alex because he skipped breakfast because he woke up late and she hasn't eaten for two days. He thinks it's terrible so he drinks again...

And suddenly he's drunk and in the front seat of a car on the highway and he amazingly ends up on the side of the road with only a broken leg.

Alex is driving down the highway coming home from a party and sees a familiar car on the side of the road. When she stops, who is there but Hugh?

At the hospital, Alex becomes Hugh's closest friend - even closer than they ever were because Hugh's falling in love with Alex.


It's really sweet, but doesn't end nearly as happily as any of you suppose... Yes, Vortican no perfect ending here.

Okay, ending there!

BTW, thanks for the socks/Edward&Bella poster!!! It was great and it's on the back of my door [ so only I can see it!!!]

Edward Cullen: He sees you when ur sleeping and knows when ur awake!

All my love, dearest darlings!



Asiat Averas said...

BLACK ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my love,


Vortican said...

First post from the new laptop eh?
Bet that feels great! I see the blog got yet another makeover for the occassion.
Rawr! Edward is watching you!

Exploding Custard Pants Man!!!! said...


hey, cherrios - smile!