Tuesday, December 30, 2008

hallo... everyone

vacations at friends' houses are wonderfully tantalizing :D I have enjoyed this vacation thoroughly.

Of course, I'm being entertained with things like Mr. Darcy's Diary and New Moon.

So I actually managed to work on My Lizzie...

It's like the last of the story, so you probably won't get it. Kind of an FYI: It's from Tomas's P.O.V. [point of view, for our local dunces.]

That first night, after we were married, Lizzie was nervous. She wouldn't talk. She just lay on the bed with her back to me. I didn't sleep for fear that my Lizzie would disappear.
Sometime in the middle of the night, Lizzie woke gasping, sweating, panting. Her eyes were wild with fear.
"Lizzie, what's wrong?" I asked, pulling her to me. "What's wrong, love?"
"Nightmare," she replied blackly shuddering.
"Do you have them often?" I murmured in her ear.
She nodded.
"Are they about him?"
Another nod.
"He will never hurt you again. Never, ever touch you again," I vowed. I wrapped my arms around her gently, unsure if she wanted my affection.
"Hold me," she pleaded. I pulled my arms tighter. "Please talk to me; stories - anything! Just keep the nightmares away."
"I will do whatever it takes to help you, Lizzie, my love," I swore. We just lay there, me holding her; her holding herself.

I knew then that Lizzie was not ready for anything I wanted so badly, but I was prepared to wait. That man had cut and scared my Lizzie in so many ways. It would be a long road to recovery but I knew that nothing was better than being with my Lizzie.

All my love,

1 comment:

Vortican said...

Spoiler Alert!
Lizzie and Tomas eventually get together after all! Though the road to happiness seems like it will be a long one.

hey, cherrios - smile!