So, I have to say this: I have no clue about what to say! So you are being bombarded by a bunch of quizzes.
Name one trend you would like to start:
oooooooooooooo EVERYONE should wear awesome, freaky-colored toe-socks with flip-flops.
If your life were a SONG TITLE, what would it be?
this is actually hard... She's Crazier Than My Mom. The Gal Who Don't Love Love... any suggestions???
One dorky trait you have?
I bit my lip when in deep thought.
Most hours you've gone without sleep?
48. minus the napping on the bus and the airplane. pure agony.
Funniest looking animal?
Duck-billed Platupus. or a llama.
Best thing bout parties?
SO the people there!
Worst thing about parties?
Same thing. people can suck!
Okay, chances are that you will be bombarded by more quizzes later on. :D
Love you, Minions!
All my love,
Name one trend you would like to start:
-I have started many trends tbh.
The most recent being the useage of headbands worn for fashion's sake, and getting people to call it 'gaybook...'
If your life were a SONG TITLE, what would it be?
One dorky trait you have?
-I like comic books and action figures.
Most hours you've gone without sleep?
-Twas either thirty-eight or forty-two.
Cannae remember, as was so blitzed.
Funniest looking animal?
Best thing bout parties?
-If the right people are there, spending time with them.
Worst thing about parties?
-If the wrong people are there, spending time with them.
i'm going to take a random gander here .. but... SPHINX??? you couldn't come up w/ a better name?
geez :D
All my love,
What is the matter?
Leik omg an stoffs.
har de har, custard, har har.
All my love,
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