Vortican, for once, is right... I was wowing about some raciness in B.D. and yes, quite frankly, I was enjoying it emensely! Why not? They ARE married.
All my love,
PS: The whole Renesme alive and kicking.... it could be considered as both good AND bad. Reneseme is growing at the speed of light [i.e. Bella is two weeks pregnant and the size of a nine-month-pregnant woman...] and that she is like.. freaking DYING!
so that's the BAD.
The GOOD is that Bella has another object to love : ))))
I give her credit, who WOULDn't love her own child? and Edward just MOANS about 'it' calling 'it' a 'thing'... he's not very... um... optomistic?
Iknew it had to be raciness!!
Wait...I'm cunfuzed...
Is Renesme Bella's baby? (Also, Didn't know vampires could get pregnant.)
Why does Edward call the child a "thing"? doesn't he think it will be born ok?
Nother post titled to me!!!
FYI...i might have to stop reading your blog because you keep ruining this book for me...i haven't gotten there yet...grr (directed to the fact i don't have the book not you lol)
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