Wild Smiles : )))
No, I am not happy, Obama won... geez what worse president could we get?
BUT I AM happy...
A) I finished Eclipse.... *rar rar rar*
B) I am starting Breaking Dawn [yeh, i DID skip ahead, but why ever not?]
C) There are many advantages to being married ['nuff said : )]
Now back to filling you in on my life:
My computer died... and it couldn't have picked a worse time. Prison Cell has been hand written now take THAT!
My Editor [sphinx] is not answering her cell..... geez how am i supposed to post Prison Cell now??? that and I like to rant.
This Saturday, I have to go to Oakland Catholic for my Scholarship Entrance Exam... my mom thinks I'll pass with flying colors, but I am not so optomistic.
I am writing like a mad dog, only for the purpose of getting to Breaking Dawn faster... Stephenie Meyers: YOU ARE BRILLIANT!
Peace, Love, and Vampires, my dears,
Are u kidding?!?
I am so super stoked that Obama won! He is such an awesome speaker and really a good choice to lead the USA in these difficult times!
"Yes We Can!!" WOOOOOOO!
Now, stepping off my political soap box....
Finally finished Eclipse, took long enough (just kidding ^_~)! Wait, where does New Moon fit into the series?
Have Confidence!!
I'm sure you'll do just fine on your entrance exam to the ol' OC! but I'll wish you good luck anyways! ^o^
Oh yeah, is my orange dragon stillin the cafeteria or did they remodel it away? I must know!!
as much as i disagree w/ Obama, i WILL NOT start a blog-war.
P.L. and V.,
Vortican, Obama is possibly the worst thing to ever happen to the country.
Why is it that no one has read his policies?
Pardon me if I don't want my tax dollars to go to the murder of the unborn...
finally getting a chance to catch up reading your blog..
1. ooo, tai goes political : ) and agreed, of course. obama, a guy who wants to make signing the 'freedom of choice act' a top priority is totally sick. we could not have a worse leader right now..
a) i'm so proud u finally finished eclipse ; ) - now you can understand all the implications of the vampire sleepover flair you send me!
b) what do mean skip ahead in BD? um, the beginning is like the best part, so I'm guessing that's not the part you meant you skipped over..? I skipped over the middle parts w/o edward though...: )
c) um...duh : )
aw, you're gonna do just fine with the exam...and then next fall we will all be in the oakland area for school (i.e. more spontaneous and random times for us to get together and escape) yea!
Pulling out my political soap box once more...
Obama will neither repeal Roe v. Wade nor will he provide funding for people to have abortions. Under his leadership, I think we can really start to move in a positive direction, pulling out of war, stopping torture, taking a stand against genocide, working to halt global climate change, etc.
Abortion is result of dire hopelessness, perhaps if we can change the world for the better, less people would find themselves making such a terrible choice. (You can check candidate voting and opions at ontheissues.org)
okay for Christ's SAKE!!! NO BLOG WARS!!!! I'm sad I brought Obama up! I.. um... Demand? no!... REFUSE to let this devide us! UNITE OVER WILL SCARLET!!!
[thinking that that's the only guy WE ALL like...]
All my love,
Hey, you started it ^_^
You know what they say, if you don't want an argument, don't bring up religion or politics!
Just thought I add one more comment to bring the total up to 10 comments! I think this is the first post to reach double digit comments!
Will Scarlet!!!Where, Where!?!?!
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