It's been what, an hour? well, I've got some brain waves to transmit. Muse is a great band... I like their song called Bliss.... it's sooooo good.
um RaNdOm : )))
My room is full of acrylic paint fumes and lavendar inscence... i was painting alllllllll morning and now i can see that i did almost nothing...
And, please don't be mad, I started ANOTHER one.
Finding DJ
The story about Karen, a girl who has a terrible secrect that she can't live with anymore.
Actually i was at lunch with Charlene and we noticed that someone had written I heart DJ in it, and thus started Finding DJ.
OH WELL!!! so much for me sticking to one story : )
Kugs, My dears,
How in the heck did you get to Muse?
I've been a massive fan for years...
Stephenie Meyers lists it as her favorite band on her web page : )
Stephanie Meyer needs to be flogged!
y on earth?? steph is GREAT! u need to be put in a padded room with Twilight and no other books.. then see how you like it... it'll get you off of Taras K.
Taras IS Edward Cullen!
i no i no... NOT!!! i've never even seen him : )brown hair and SIDEBURNS??? or just a purebred jackass???
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