Sunday, October 5, 2008


So I was browsing my flair [on facebook] and found this overly amazing one that can describe everything about Danielle.

"Forbidden to Remember. Terrified to Forget."

Danielle hurts to much to remember every detail of Matthew [btw, Sphinx, what's WRONG with Matthew?? It's a great name!] but she is terrified to forget how much he cared for her.... so sweeet.

and Tabby Cat, I agree that it was pure genius to put Twilight in there : ) I hope Mrs. Meyers doesn't sue me though.

also, I found this other great song... Prelude 12/21 by AFI


This is what I brought you,
This you can keep.
This is what I brought,
You may forget me.
I promise to depart,
Just promise one thing.
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

and there are other variations on the verse.. it's kinda sad, but also it's like Danielle.
She won't depart with Matthew... It's really sad now that i think on it.

Also, as I just realized, the Prelude goes into this other song called Miss Murder. It's rlly good. If you're like me, then you'll like me... it's tragic and awesome : )

All my love,


Sippyeh said...

I agree the lyrics to AFI are a bit sad but touchy.

Sippyeh said...

Oh yea we got to do lunch sometime.
I like this quote "Forbidden to Remember. Terrified to Forget." I feel like this a lot.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the name Matthew!
I love it more than you would think...

Asiat Averas said...

first: don't mean to sound rude, but who are you, sippyeh? [like give me a hint: )]

Second:i know you just LOVE that name, but you said that didn't like it so i was asking...

All my love,

hey, cherrios - smile!