first, i HATE matchmakers. wat's with people and trying to get me hooked up? wat did i do wrong in life to deserve a bunch of Matchmakers!
secondly, ive tried to make a series of poems:
if my brother's band makes it, i want them to have
The Alphebetic Album
featuring songs from every letter:
All In My Memory
Becoming Me
Can You Do It?
Destined To Be
Friends For Love
Great For You
Happiness is a Wish
I Don't Need You
Just Like You
Kites Across the Sky
Mearly an Aquantince
Nobody's Here
On Top of the World
Please Leave Me Alone
Questions I Want Answers To
Tonight Is The Night
Undeniably You
Very Red
Wild Roses
X-tinct, a Charmer
You Know Best
Zoo's Are For Kids
Great poems, but to write them out of my head will be a chore. As i finish them ill post them, i promise.
thank you to everyone who has ever made a difference in my life.
Ah yes, matchmakers! I guess you really don't need them anymore, since you already have a husband ^o^! But if things don't work out and you don't go through with the marriage or get can always get another matchmaker!
Second Comment!
I didn't know Tish was starting a band. Possible band names include:
TISH (this name says it all)
Tish and the Cruisers
Six degrees of Tish
The Tish Patrol
Anyways,the alphabetical title thing is pretty ambitious. Most of the titles sound pretty interesting, but I have to ask...Lugubriously?!? Now there's a word you don't hear everyday. I really like the "Wild Roses" title, sounds romantic. Write that one first, you says you have to go in actual alphabetical order ^_~!
Totally off the topic, but I've been wondering...
What is the "sexy chicken dance" that you are a "total fan" of?
It sounds like something that could be very wrong on many different levels! ^o^
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