Saturday, January 31, 2009
they have a really good soundtrack [again, make fun; you die!]
Okay, nuff said, I'm prolly going to have a super super bowl :D :D :D
Ever Yours,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tragic, Tragic, Tragic
Also, there's something about Tom Hardy [the person who plays Heathcliff] that is... strangely fascinating. I don't know why. :D He isn't like RA, or any of the others, so why??? I don't know. Honestly. There's something about Heathcliff, as a character, that is - he goes where he is told and does as he is bidden, but deep down inside he harbors a hatred for those who have wronged him. He is human and emotional in every respect of the words. He feels the pain because he has never been loved without having the sting of betrayal.
Ever Yours,
Monday, January 26, 2009
Imaptient Anger
*sighs* sorry about that. I'm just in a bad mood. Which is actually what I need right now, since I'm writing an "angry scene" for Jason and Delilah. Jeez, Jas had a temper.
Ever Yours,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
You have stolen my...
You have stolen my...
You have stolen my...
You have stolen my...
Gosh, I've just been listening to it over and over and over again. Gah, it's amazing.
He who had never experienced hurt has never had felt true love. Isn't that the truth?
So on another note, my mother has always said that good authors keep journals [I personally don't believe it, but what the heck?] so much thanks to Vortican Todd for the journal, glittery pens, and soap [???]. I do have a question about the soap: Did you buy it 'cause you're trying to tell me something or because you thought it smelled good too. ; ) [btw, I fell asleep with the soap next to my nose and woke up evey time I couldn't smell it.]
OH! I'm not sure if I announced this, but Passion Derelict [aka Sphinx's bro or my bff] started a bloggo and uses the most adorable phrases like "Hello, Kittens" and, my ultimate laugher, " Saying something like "hey, back in 2004 I had rectal surgery and had to wear feminine pads everyday!!" will not move the realtionship foward. " I laughed so hard. I'm sure Passion won't kill me for saying how much I enjoyed that comment; he's truly a charmer, and great with us gals. So my gentleman, Mr. Derelict, you must expect some of these faithful bloggers to attack you with comments, questions, and squees on that lovely pop-culture blog of yours. :D Enjoy.
[Oh, and so you can actually get there, the name is]
So what else can I pump into this blog post? Not much, but if I continue listening to Dashboard Confessional, I'm going to cry and write more D.J. instead of preparing lunch... not a good idea.
I will depart.
Ever Yours,
[Honestly? Passion has a better name than me... perhaps he will forge me a new one?]
Friday, January 23, 2009
Vortican Said IT
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
And a Birthday gift? For YOU of course! How could I forget.
As you know, I'm revising D.J. before I send it off and, to make it longer, I've added "Deleted Scenes"
Here's one... It may not make much sense, but you'll get it; it's just random romance... Olivia will automatically get how alike D.J. and I are: WE HATE THE TRUE LOVE CRAP!!!
The “The guy that you love and breaks your heart is a bastard” speech.
“Jason, I’m going to try to explain it to you. There’s a lot of girls that have their hearts broken… and the guys who break them are bastards. It’s hard for a gal to… forgive men in general. But they’re bastards bastards bastards! They tell you they love you and abandon you – leave you high and dry. It’s impossible to forgive men for what insensitive bastards they are! They never, ever change! Gosh, what’s wrong with all you men.”
“Do you think all men are like that?” I asked, leaning against the wall next to Delilah. “Do you really think that none of us grow more mature or change? If so, you’re so very wrong, Delilah.”
“I’m sorry if you believe differently, but I’ve got nothing to prove otherwise.”
Ever Yours,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Cold & Frozen & Dead
I'm cold & frozen & completely out of it... Snow Patrol can do that to you. Gary's lyrics get us all sad and thoughtful and give us shudders... I'm just shivering because I'm back in my bedroom [with minimal heat].
But Snow Patrol has always inspired poetry in me. So here's a poem and a song I wrote for good measure.
Cold & Frozen & Dead [the poem]
I don't remember how or when or why.
I just look up into the big black-blue sky.
And deep down inside me.
I'm cold and frozen and dead.
There's nothing to change what I've said.
I lay down on my bed.
All around me
It's cold and frozen and dead.
Can you change this.
Can you warm me up inside.
Save me - save me
Before I die.
These Lies I Tell [the song]
Remember when I said
That I didn't love you..
Baby, got somethin' to tell you.
When I said I did't I love you...
I was lyin'
These lies I tell are just to
Protect myself
From the bubble-headed bleach blondes,
Cheerleaders, and prom queens...
They all surround me.
Baby, take me back.
Baby, baby, cut me some slack.
You weren't going to protect me now were you?
Remember when I said
I didn't like your kisses.
When I said
I wouldn't miss them.
Baby, I was lyin',
There's no denying.
These lies I tell are just to
Protect myself
From the bubble-headed bleach blondes,
Cheerleaders, and prom queens.
Them girls confound me!
Baby, be a man.
Baby, baby, take my hand.
Protect me like you
Said you would.
Okays, that's all I've got for now.
Ever Yours,
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tea, Music, Books, & Random
Wonderful. This new "SmartZone" email thing is driving me mad. It's soooo hard to control. I've been sleeping like twelve hours a day with naps and just pure awesome. Lauren and I had a wonderful time rambling around SouthSide [not SouthSide Works, though]. We accomplished a lot... like getting chocolate and visiting the Culture Shop - there was this really cute bookbag... loved it!! urgh, but my mom wouldn't let me get it... : (
Anyways, drinking like gallons of throat-soother tea so I can actually talk on a regular basis. Music, I actually found this really good song called Broken Man. :D :D yes, Sphinx/ExplodingCustardPants, it's a BLG song.
Books: after rereading Vampire Academy, Frostbite, & Shadow Kiss [and eagerly awaiting Blood Promise... checking Richelle's Facebook and blog everyday for updates...] I decided to go to my darker more... gentle romances. The VA series include a lot of blood and gore that I adore, but I defo need some Tess of the D'Ubervilles and Nicholas Sparks right now. Something... DEPRESSING!!!! YAY! well, maybe not, but it's kinda a thing - I'm actually quite addicted to feeling down-in-the-dumps. Wonder why...
Okay, before I bore the hell out of you: some photos of Cpt. Wentworth [from Persuasion..]
On another note [I was right about RaNdOm] Gladiator's On Ice [my brother's latin club ice skating thing] has ruined my birthday plans... forget about going out on Saturday... and I was hoping to go to American Eagle with some friends... man!!!!
:D :D :D
Ever Yours,
PS: Yes, I know I made "My Lizzie" into a trilogy... what else did you expect??? and I changed the ending to the first book and then went romantic. <3<3<3
"If the lady be between the ages of 15 and 30..." is one of the lines.
"A complement to the navy and shall be lost!"
haha, if only it were that simple.
Ever Yours,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Milk, Cookies, & Movies
Yeah, so Cpt. Wentworth and his big sexy blue eyes are calling me....
See you later!
Ever Yours,
Friday, January 16, 2009
My, my...
Just and FYI for Olivia: The ending for My Lizzie was changed, and therefore, is no longer like Tess of the D'Ubervilles. Oh wells, for you tits. :D
Ever Yours,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More for Greedy Guts :D
In answer to your many questions...
Ginko - gold dragon; considered most handsome in the clan; fancies Ina
Bad News - this is a majoy *spoiler* the 100 year celebration is coming... meaning that humans, elves, and dwarves are choosing Ambassadors for their clans to be united with dragons.... Dragon Riders. Bad News... or course. It means that 3-4 of the clan will be leaving them. : (
Dragon-home [let's just call it that] is several linked caves in a mountain on the outskirts of the land.
Satisfied for now? I am writing more presently. Any more requests?
Ever Yours,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Dragons & Talk
Tragic Love is such a errant thought right now... what with me reading Shadow Kiss [for the 100th time] and watching Tess of the D'Ubervilees, I realize that I'm quiet obsessed with these tragic romances in which the guy doesn't get the girl or bittersweet endings.
ANNOUNCEMENT: To Grind Coffee Beans is back on, so rejoice! I changed it quite heavily, returning to the original ideas that were enstilled. I should just not come up with new ideas and stick with the old ones...
Now, Dragons. As requested, I've decided to do some speed writing and give you some serious Dragon-Wise poetry... or at least my kind of writing which can be very poetic.
The sun jumped and danced, it's warm rays flitting through the few white clouds and bouncing off of Ina and Aria's brightly colored scales. Aria glanced at Ina and again marveled at how they could both be related. Ina with her diamond colored scales and Aria and dark saphire blue. Their wings, transparent with thick muscled cords, stretched over nearly two miles of open space
From the ground, Danyan and Indigar watched the two females from their perch on the rocks. Danyan's green eyes glowed with anticipation, while Indigar's red ones glowed with amazement.
HOW AMAZING THEY ARE, Indigar mindspoke.
Both halted their conversation when Aria and Ina landed. Danyan and Indigar bowed their long necks. Danyan smiled with his sharp white teeth, YOU GRACE US, ONCE AGAIN, WITH YOUR PRESENCE, LADIES.
NO, YOU TOOK TWO, Indigar replied, catching on.
Danyan was the first of the four to take off. Aria followed suit, followed by Ina and Indigar. Aria kept pace with Danyan relishing the feel of the air tickling her wings. She sprout forth a few thousand tounges of flames.
OH, AM I? Danyan asked spewing more flames.
PERHAPS NOT, Aria laughed. Her eyes searched the field below. WE ARE ALMOST HOME.
:D you see? Dragons, my dears, dragons.
Ever yours,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Vortican, are there any specific stories you would like to read? I am taking some requests...
Ever Yours,
PS: For all you VeggieTales watchers... This is the song that runs under the credits!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
You will kill me, methinks
FURTHER NOTICE: I will NOT be shutting the blog down, but I will, however, be starting a new one once my book is published... I may start it early, but its name will be
I will announce when I actually open it and start posting so that you, my faithful friends will be able to jump on board and yell at any new fans at how amazing I was before BlackInk... You guys will have so much fun yelling at crazed "fan girls/guys"... I can't wait.
One a completely different topic, kudos to Mr. Mikey for some of the best pie I've had in a VERY long time. Yeah, Mikey darling, we were eating it and snarfing it down like some kind of mutant hog.
Ever Yours,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
:D :D :D
Good news first shall we? My good friend [well, best friend actually] has started his own blog on "pop culture" [For Vortican, it's Mikey] . I rather enjoyed it.
Bad news is that in one week I will be shutting down this, and my other, blog and begining afresh with a blog I will start later. [Blog, such a stupid word is it not?]
Anyways, we had many good memories with good ole' Sir Panther, but this one has everything to do with my books, but more to do with my updating you on them [and will not go by SP]
Sorry to you setimentals, you may stop reading if you wish.
All my love,
No Clue What to Say...
1. finish revising Finding D.J. [It's an unescapable fact of life... D.J. just wasn't long enough to be anything but a short story, so some of it's 'deleted scenes' have returned to it.]
2. finish the glossary of :D ginger-ale-ater / ating by "The Editor" aka Sphinx Definition - anything having to do with ginger ale, over eating, or extremely good times.
3. finish Love At First Bite and give ya'll a good taste of it [pun on words :D]
4. finish watching North & South.
5. Enlighten Vortican on RA/Mr. Thornton.
6. *zzzzz* sleep.
well, I'm working on numero uno right now, so I will leave you puzzled and confused over my blog post.
All my love, minions,
Thursday, January 8, 2009
For Vortican = ]
well, they have their faults, but are nevertheless very cool. Adrian smokes clove cigarettes, drinks, and is a sarcastic might-as-well-be-a-bum rich kid, but boy, he can be sensitive...
Dimitri... EEK!!! if there ever was a squee moment every stinking intense moment he and Roza spend together. [AND I just gave u a spoiler, "Roza, Roza, Roza!"] Dimitri is Russian and grew up in a blood whore commune. He has these "long elegant fingers" and hair that "falls out of its ponytail and around his face." Lastly, Christian - perhaps the most cynical and kreepy of them all, but a handsome face and some sweet moments [if only he weren't Lissa's!] make him just right. Christian had this sexy black hair and icy blue eyes... and a completely bad reputation.
[I'm summarizing here!]
Another sick mushy momnet was when Lissa and Christian looked up whether Christian had enough Dragomir blood so that their child would be a Dragomir. They went estatic when they found out that the kid would be Dragomir... They also went on a rampage and decided on names. They told Rose that they would name their third daughter after her!!!
All my love,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
"Look Back at Me..."
I watch Mr. Thornton and his annoying mother and his hair-brained pigeon sister. Alas, it is a tragic movie that I love that I adore. There is nothing that I would rather watch... well, nothing except Richard Armitage and Colin Firth... the real Mr. Thornton & Darcy :D
All my love,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sorry for the Lack of Posts...
So, firstly, I am entering into Auntie Heather's little competition and, yes, you will get to read some of it. The story's name is "Love at First Bite".
Okay, secondly, kudos to Richelle Mead - she's won my fav author of 2008! award :D not that anything I say matters.
Richelle Mead is the author of Vampire Academy, Frostbite, and Shadow Kiss. I love it because a) who doesn't want another reason to be obsessed with vampires?
b) it's unfathomably interesting.
c) I'm off Twilight.
For all of you that need a little info, the VA series [Tabby Cat can skip over this!] it's like a cross between Twilight, Dead to the World, and Vladamir Todd.
[no copywrite infringment intended]
Lissa Dragomire is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous of vampires - the ones who never die.
The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir. Rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them....
And I'm just too busy to type up the rest. Jk, jk, I'm only too lazy. I think Vortican and Sphinx would really enjoy this :D
All my love,
Friday, January 2, 2009
I learned to knit... which is surprising :D I didn't get it before and now I'm knitting some wacko scaf with many varied colors.
I finished Sir Tomas's sketch.
Both of my heaters stopped working and I am frozen thusly.
Mr. Darcy is keeping me ALIVE!! He is truly damning upon himself right now. I'm picking up the damn language too. That can be perceived as both good AND bad.
okay, now guess what song i'm listening to:
"Never - never an honest word..
That was when I ruled the world.
It was the wicked and wild wind..."
Let's see how trully smart some of you are.
All my love,
hey, cherrios - smile!