Alas, the dreaded day of tukey's has come.
I present you with two poems.
The Knight's Lament
You will forgive me
My harsh cruel ways.
You will excuse
For wanting you to stay.
Leaving you, O gentle one,
Is like leaving a baby sparrow,
Who knows not the danger,
Of a hunter's arrow.
Being parted from you,
O other half of my soul.
I feel like a piece
Of old blackend coal.
Who is to say,
That we are all fools in love.
Who are they to say that,
To my precious little dove.
I know not what lies aheah.
I would save you from hurt and pain.
But alas I cannot.
My gentle rain.
Short and sweet.
Angel & Devil
In the silence of the night
There you are, so perfect.
Your white garments against
my black robes.
I see our differences
And the few things
That are common between us.
I see how pure;
how perfect;
how quietly lovely you are.
I see what a jealous,
vile creature I am
How good it is that I,
a devil, am with you,
a white angel.
I have held your
diamond white tears
In the palm of my hand.
I have held and pieced together
your broken heart.
And, in return, you -
You, the angel,
have put together
the puzzle of my heart.
You have solved mysteries
I did not know where there.
You saved me from myself.
I love you more than
the weight of the sky.
I love the silent
white angel.
The angel that loves
the devil.
Long and sweet :D
All my love, Minions,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
2 hours... 10 pages later...
Chapter 1 – Regrets
No explanations. No good-byes. That was the way I wanted to go. But I didn’t want to go. I had to think of people like Nathan and Erin who had kept some pieces of my world together.
But I did want to go. This would be the most important and last decision I ever made.
I sat on the edge of the bathtub, contemplating what Hamlet had contemplated: To be or not to be, that is the question. More simply said, suicide.
I thought of the good things that might counteract the bad: Nathan, Erin, my parents, my brother, Rob, my sister, Charlene. My countless friends would miss me terribly, or would they? Apparently, I had become a cynical depressed idiot with no future and no hope. I had caused them all pain. I wasn’t worth the love they put into me. The bad weighted down the good.
I sat on the edge of the bathtub, a knife in one hand and stared at my pale white wrist. The summer heat hit me and I shifted uncomfortably.
I made two slices on my left wrist.
Chapter 2 – Blood
Blood poured out of my body, down the white side of the bathtub, and down the drain. It was such a pretty red. I stared; fascinated that it was such a pretty color. Crimson; red; mahogany. Such a dark rich color.
I heard a door slam. I knew that I wasn’t alone now. I had to hurry this up or they would find me and stop me.
I made a third cut.
Someone ran up the steps and opened the door to my room. They knocked on my bathroom door.
Chapter 3 – Die
I wished I would die. Whoever it was knocked louder. They tried the door, only to find it locked.
“Delilah? You there?” It was Nathan, my best friend, my gentle giant. The door rattled under Nathan’s massive pressure. “Delilah, open up.”
The room faded and became unstable except for the sound pounding on my door.
I fainted when Nathan broke the door down.
Chapter 4 – Saved
I woke up on my bed. Since my dad was a doctor, I guessed we stayed at home. Where he could take care of his kid without letting the entire town know that his daughter was suicidal. Nathan sat by my side holding my hand in both of his. His eyes were red-rimmed. Another tear slid down his unshaven cheek. He looked up and saw my eyes open.
“Thank God,” he whispered, kissing my forehead. “Please don’t do that again. What would I do without you, bud?”
“You would survive, Nathan,” I croaked. “You always do.”
“I couldn’t without you, Delilah,” Nathan said, looking in my eyes. “I can’t bounce back without you. That’s why I came in the first place.”
I took his hand and squeezed gently, “What is it, Nathan?” The tears came pouring, but Nathan brushed them away. He straightened his broad shoulders. Always the big strong teddy bear. He would learn that we all had our weaknesses.
“Leah,” Nathan said slowly. “She’s been acting all funny and I don’t know why. Then, this morning, she told me that she needed to slow down. I got so angry, Delilah. It was either demolish a wall or come to you.” He laughed harshly.
“You’re not finished,” I said quietly.
“Am I?” Nathan asked. “I love her so much. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Leah – why is she running away from me?” Nathan looked at me.
“Theory,” I said lifting my cut hand. Nathan nodded. “What if she’s not sure you love her? How many times in the last week have you told her you love her?”
“Not enough,” Nathan said, answering his own question. “Any other theories?”
“What if she’s not sure you’re the one? What if she wants to smell the roses before she decides you’re her Mr. Right?”
Nathan looked at me. “What if I’m not Mr. Right? What if I’ve wasted all my time waiting?”
“Honestly, Nathan, if you’re meant to be then you’ll end up with her. You have plenty of time. No need to rush.”
Nathan smiled and kissed my hand. “Thank you, Delilah. Thanks so much.”
“No problem, darling,” I replied.
“And please don’t ever do that. If you need someone, my cell’s going to me on. Don’t be surprised if I call.”
“Okay. Thanks for everything, Nathan.”
No explanations. No good-byes. That was the way I wanted to go. But I didn’t want to go. I had to think of people like Nathan and Erin who had kept some pieces of my world together.
But I did want to go. This would be the most important and last decision I ever made.
I sat on the edge of the bathtub, contemplating what Hamlet had contemplated: To be or not to be, that is the question. More simply said, suicide.
I thought of the good things that might counteract the bad: Nathan, Erin, my parents, my brother, Rob, my sister, Charlene. My countless friends would miss me terribly, or would they? Apparently, I had become a cynical depressed idiot with no future and no hope. I had caused them all pain. I wasn’t worth the love they put into me. The bad weighted down the good.
I sat on the edge of the bathtub, a knife in one hand and stared at my pale white wrist. The summer heat hit me and I shifted uncomfortably.
I made two slices on my left wrist.
Chapter 2 – Blood
Blood poured out of my body, down the white side of the bathtub, and down the drain. It was such a pretty red. I stared; fascinated that it was such a pretty color. Crimson; red; mahogany. Such a dark rich color.
I heard a door slam. I knew that I wasn’t alone now. I had to hurry this up or they would find me and stop me.
I made a third cut.
Someone ran up the steps and opened the door to my room. They knocked on my bathroom door.
Chapter 3 – Die
I wished I would die. Whoever it was knocked louder. They tried the door, only to find it locked.
“Delilah? You there?” It was Nathan, my best friend, my gentle giant. The door rattled under Nathan’s massive pressure. “Delilah, open up.”
The room faded and became unstable except for the sound pounding on my door.
I fainted when Nathan broke the door down.
Chapter 4 – Saved
I woke up on my bed. Since my dad was a doctor, I guessed we stayed at home. Where he could take care of his kid without letting the entire town know that his daughter was suicidal. Nathan sat by my side holding my hand in both of his. His eyes were red-rimmed. Another tear slid down his unshaven cheek. He looked up and saw my eyes open.
“Thank God,” he whispered, kissing my forehead. “Please don’t do that again. What would I do without you, bud?”
“You would survive, Nathan,” I croaked. “You always do.”
“I couldn’t without you, Delilah,” Nathan said, looking in my eyes. “I can’t bounce back without you. That’s why I came in the first place.”
I took his hand and squeezed gently, “What is it, Nathan?” The tears came pouring, but Nathan brushed them away. He straightened his broad shoulders. Always the big strong teddy bear. He would learn that we all had our weaknesses.
“Leah,” Nathan said slowly. “She’s been acting all funny and I don’t know why. Then, this morning, she told me that she needed to slow down. I got so angry, Delilah. It was either demolish a wall or come to you.” He laughed harshly.
“You’re not finished,” I said quietly.
“Am I?” Nathan asked. “I love her so much. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Leah – why is she running away from me?” Nathan looked at me.
“Theory,” I said lifting my cut hand. Nathan nodded. “What if she’s not sure you love her? How many times in the last week have you told her you love her?”
“Not enough,” Nathan said, answering his own question. “Any other theories?”
“What if she’s not sure you’re the one? What if she wants to smell the roses before she decides you’re her Mr. Right?”
Nathan looked at me. “What if I’m not Mr. Right? What if I’ve wasted all my time waiting?”
“Honestly, Nathan, if you’re meant to be then you’ll end up with her. You have plenty of time. No need to rush.”
Nathan smiled and kissed my hand. “Thank you, Delilah. Thanks so much.”
“No problem, darling,” I replied.
“And please don’t ever do that. If you need someone, my cell’s going to me on. Don’t be surprised if I call.”
“Okay. Thanks for everything, Nathan.”
Chapter 5 – Explanations
This is my one-on-one talk with you, reader. This summer that I’m telling you about and the summer before it were the hardest summers of my life. Shall I tell you why?
My mother is really into volunteer work and offered me and my friends up as helpers at our Church’s camp for depressed or in-need teens. At camp, I met Matt Kriston. He was a drop-dead gorgeous heroine addict. He had so many problems. At first, our late night talks scared me – and then they didn’t. We talked and fell in love. I thought he was getting better.
He wasn’t.
Imagine my horror when I walked into his room that night. There was a note by his bedstand:
Dear Delilah,
It’s not your fault, darling. I’m not wroth it. I never was. I’m so so sorry. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I don’t want to ruin your future with mine.
Forgive me,
I was there when his heart stopped. Heroine overdose. I was never the same. Nathan and Erin knew what happened. But since then, I’d been plagued by nightmares of his cold, dead, white body. The haunting look of his glassy sightless black eyes. He haunted me like a ghost. I could hear him whisper that note in my ear – even when I was awake.
It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault, darling… It’s not your fault…
But it was my fault. If I had been there, I could have stopped him. I could have told him how much I loved him. Could have said how much I cared. But I didn’t. I watched Matt die in my arms. I told him to stay with me but he didn’t.
One of the most horrible things that summer. I kissed his cold dead lips and cried.
Even worse, if that’s possible, was the look his mom gave me. Matt’s stepdad brushed my shoulder hard when I walked past.
“Bitch,” he whispered.
I was going to let that slide, but when I looked back and saw the smug look on his face, something lit up.
“Excuse me, sir,” I said turning to face him. “What did you just call me?”
“I called you what you deserve to be called, devil,” he seethed. “You made him do this.”
“I did not,” I retorted.
“Oh really?” he asked, turning towards me, walking back. “Have you read the letters he sent us? I don’t think so.” He flung a pile of papers held together by a rubber band. They fell at my feet with an ominous thud. Matt’s stepdad stalked away, Matt’s mom sobbing into his shoulder.
I bent down and picked up the pack of letters. I held them close to my chest. When I went back to my room, I sat on the bed and cried as I read.
Dear Mom,
I would ask Dad, but he’s not here. What does it feel like to fall in love? I met this girl – Delilah Jones – she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. She’s not afraid to talk to me, but I know that I’ll ruin her life. I don’t want to do that to her, she has a future; a real chance. I know that I can’t stay away from her. She’s just so amazing. I feel like overdosing just so that she can move on. I want her to live even if I have to die. I love you , Mom. Please don’t hate her. She made my life worth it.
I really started sobbing then. Erin was my roommate and found me. She held me and rocked me to sleep. She made sure that she and I had the same classes in school. She listened to me. She saved me; stopped me; loved me.
I didn’t even know that it was her twin brother that would save my life.
Chapter 6 – Hope
“No, Dad,” I said quietly. “You can’t make me go back there.”
“I can and will, Delilah. You’re seventeen and still in my house,” Dad said while Mom shoved clothes into a suitcase. “Nathan, Erin, and Leah are going. You won’t be alone.”
“Dad, I’ll be going as a patient, not a volunteer,” I said loudly. “I’ll be the mental wreck that everyone makes fun of.”
“No you won’t,” Dad said taking my hand. “Delilah, honey, I love you, but this isn’t you. You need help.”
“Dad,” I said exasperated. “Camp is for drug addicts and people who are suicidal because their families are falling apart, not for a girl who’s sad about her boyfriend’s death.”
“You expect to tell me that what you did back there isn’t disturbing?”
“Dad!” I yelled. “I was trying to end your pain. All I’ve done is caused you pain. I’m the disappointment here.” Dad looked in my eyes. I watched the tears come.
“Oh, Delilah,” Mom said fiercely. “How could you say that? We love you. We just want you to get help.”
I just held my tongue. I hurt them by telling them that I was worthless – but what else was I? Certainly not pretty or graceful. Nor funny, nor thoughtful. You could hardly call me sane.
Dad turned to me. “I hope you’ll get better. All I can do is hope now.”
Hope. I had a single glimmer of hope when I held that knife. Hope. I had hope to end my family’s pain.
Chapter 7 – Car Ride
Nathan picked me up that Saturday. Nathan helped me into the car.
“Leah only came for you,” he whispered. His eyes pleaded.
“I’ll talk to her,” I whispered.
He mouthed “Thank you” to me.
I sat in the back seat with Erin. Leah’s brother, Mike, and his friend, Martin, sat with the luggage in front of us. In the front, Nathan was driving with Leah on the passenger’s side.
Erin hugged me, but was disrupted by her cell phone.
“Hello?” she asked.
“What the hell did you do to my car, Erin?” a voice shouted.
“Hi, Jason,” she said winking at me. “I only stole your key and replaced it.”
“You are the foulest twin ever!” he yelled. “Where am I going to sit?”
“In back,” Erin replied. “I’ll sit on Delilah’s lap and you can sit next to us.”
“Are you trying to hook me up… again?” he asked.
“Shhh, not so loud,” Erin said while I gave her a look. “Delilah here looks happier than you sound.”
Nathan had by now started driving back towards Erin’s house. He stopped by a car that was on the street and the guy next to it. If I expected someone like Erin, I was wrong. Very deeply wrong. Jason had spiky brown hair and dazzling green eyes. His eyes flashed as he dumped his luggage in the car and climbed into the back seat.
“Hey, Jas!” Erin said sliding to sit on my lap.
“Hello, O Annoying One,” he replied sourly. Jason buckled his seat belt and turned to Erin with one eyebrow raised.
“Oh! Jason, this is Delilah Jones,” she said quickly. “Delilah, this is my annoying brother, Jason.”
Jason held out his hand and I shook it.
“I didn’t even know you had a twin, Erin,” I said quietly. Hason cocked his head at me.
“You’re in my English class, aren’t you?” he asked in a quiet rich voice.
“I don’t know, you’re in Mrs. Cellars?” I asked “Fourth period?”
“Yeah, she can be a pain, Mrs. Cellars,” he said rolling his eyes.
“She’s okay to me, but I like English,” I replied.
I spent the rest of the ride there listening to Erin and Jason argue about his car.
Now tell me [this applies to everyone, but Olivia] that this isn't awesome. I even added some color for emphasis.
You'll be getting two poems and some Forbidden Fruit... Good Luck.
All my love,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Officially Team E.J.E. [Edward, Jasper, Emmett]
Haven't been posting for the sole reason that I've been writing till like 1 AM
Sorry, but until I have like six hours to type all of the stuff, it's not going to be posted : (
All my love,
Haven't been posting for the sole reason that I've been writing till like 1 AM
Sorry, but until I have like six hours to type all of the stuff, it's not going to be posted : (
All my love,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I took a page out of Olivia's book... literally.
So, before I go all-Deon, I am doing some Twilight love.
By far the... fill-in-the-blank.... character.

and: FYI, he has this great tattoo on his hip... gah!
And we thought he was the gayest idiot alive when we first saw him.... how wrong we were...
Okay, next, Edward:
apparently he has these great lips [Olivia...] and I believe that my favorite scene has to be changed...
To Biology class... Edward catches Bella's scent and randomly looks like he's going to throw up...
oh and another favortie part is that of the 'sparkly Edward'... I thought it would be cheesily eerie, but it wasn't that bad!
and i can't find any pictures of it : (
i think both Olivia and I agree, for once... TEAM EMMETT!!!!
Well, I'd better not keep you waiting any longer.
All my love,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Didn't know : )
Now why didn't I find Taylor Swift sooner? Oh well, she's now officially helped me out of a hole... I had to get depressed to finish Treaty. And I wasn't really willing to do that, so I typed in love songs... and viola! Love Story by Taylor Swift... listened to it and out popped out Treaty : )
Now, still working on the details of the Clement story, which now has a working name: Apartment No. 14. And Clement in no longer agoraphobic... and you all sigh... wouldn't it be better if he was??? no, it wouldn't because HOW THE HELL IS CLEMENT GONNA FALL IN LOVE WITH ADELE??? and Adele is a current working name... I'm going to get around to posting the other names.
And, I've decided while I'm working on this, why not do a quartet? [I know the term doesn't apply, but it's four books!] so now, i'm formulating names for Clarissa's prince charming [or Edward Cullen, which ever you prefer.] Current working name for him is Jonas. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
All my love,
Now, still working on the details of the Clement story, which now has a working name: Apartment No. 14. And Clement in no longer agoraphobic... and you all sigh... wouldn't it be better if he was??? no, it wouldn't because HOW THE HELL IS CLEMENT GONNA FALL IN LOVE WITH ADELE??? and Adele is a current working name... I'm going to get around to posting the other names.
And, I've decided while I'm working on this, why not do a quartet? [I know the term doesn't apply, but it's four books!] so now, i'm formulating names for Clarissa's prince charming [or Edward Cullen, which ever you prefer.] Current working name for him is Jonas. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
All my love,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Vampires : ]
I can't imagine why Olivia thinks that these vamps need to be leashed. It's only temporary till my math teacher gives Forbidden Fruit back. And then... you've got another second not-so-interesting-nor-lovey-dovey chapter waiting for ya..
but after that... whoo, it's just smoke and fi-are!
All my love,
but after that... whoo, it's just smoke and fi-are!
All my love,
Monday, November 17, 2008
I think this is sorta like the anti-writers block. I've been writing like crazy. And I just got another idea... though possibly not as interesting as D.J. or Forbidden Fruit.
The story of Clement and Clarissa John - twins born in 1861 and turned into vampires in 1877. Of course, they're not the only ones. Their brother and sister, Clarence and Cathy, are also vampires, but they're older and stronger. Unfortunately, vampire law says that there are to be no groups of vampires bigger than three. Clement, Clarissa, Clarence, and Cathy see each other but once every twenty years; it's not hard to wait when you're immortal. Another part of vampire law is that you must search for your other half... you're love. That part is, of course, only for vampire's happiness, but for the John siblings, it's a hard life searching for the one that completes you.
Clement and Clarissa live in a cemetery. Clement is somewhat agoraphobic and Clarissa does not leave him alone much. Clement has other reasons for not coming out of his tomb. He has a limited control over himself, he's afraid that if he comes out of his tomb, he'll kill someone. So Clarissa stays by him and even puts a thick piece of crystal so that he can see outside without actually going outside. Clarissa even goes so far as to make an agreement with the cemetery that buried them. They have a night time watchman/woman. Someone to keep them company. It helps to not be so lonely.
In steps Adele McGraw, the so-called night watchman [no Robin Hood pun intended : )]. Adele is a homeless 16 year old runaway. She gets a home and food by doing this job. At first she doesn't like it much, but after meeting the physically dazzling Clarissa and her agoraphobic brother Clement, she loves her job.
Of course, there has to be a climax, Clement and Clarissa are very powerful vampires. Everyone wants there services. And, seeing as Clement and Adele are in love, someone... namely Henry Reed, sees the chance to make Clement work for him.
And for two seconds, it worked... And we all love Clarissa because she makes Clement realize that he's been running away needlessly. Clement goes to Henry, to end it once and for all. To claim his other half as his own. Of course, Henry's not going down without a fight. He breaks Adele's neck... Clement is heart broken as he sees Adele dying, and the idea pops. Turn his only love into what he is. It eliminates his agoraphobia, he couldn't kill anyone with Adele, his immaculate angel [yes, he actuallly uses those words...]. He realizes that he can love Adele the way he wants to... to love her the way she deserves to be loved : )
Happy Endings : ) *swoon*
All my love,
PS: You like???
The story of Clement and Clarissa John - twins born in 1861 and turned into vampires in 1877. Of course, they're not the only ones. Their brother and sister, Clarence and Cathy, are also vampires, but they're older and stronger. Unfortunately, vampire law says that there are to be no groups of vampires bigger than three. Clement, Clarissa, Clarence, and Cathy see each other but once every twenty years; it's not hard to wait when you're immortal. Another part of vampire law is that you must search for your other half... you're love. That part is, of course, only for vampire's happiness, but for the John siblings, it's a hard life searching for the one that completes you.
Clement and Clarissa live in a cemetery. Clement is somewhat agoraphobic and Clarissa does not leave him alone much. Clement has other reasons for not coming out of his tomb. He has a limited control over himself, he's afraid that if he comes out of his tomb, he'll kill someone. So Clarissa stays by him and even puts a thick piece of crystal so that he can see outside without actually going outside. Clarissa even goes so far as to make an agreement with the cemetery that buried them. They have a night time watchman/woman. Someone to keep them company. It helps to not be so lonely.
In steps Adele McGraw, the so-called night watchman [no Robin Hood pun intended : )]. Adele is a homeless 16 year old runaway. She gets a home and food by doing this job. At first she doesn't like it much, but after meeting the physically dazzling Clarissa and her agoraphobic brother Clement, she loves her job.
Of course, there has to be a climax, Clement and Clarissa are very powerful vampires. Everyone wants there services. And, seeing as Clement and Adele are in love, someone... namely Henry Reed, sees the chance to make Clement work for him.
And for two seconds, it worked... And we all love Clarissa because she makes Clement realize that he's been running away needlessly. Clement goes to Henry, to end it once and for all. To claim his other half as his own. Of course, Henry's not going down without a fight. He breaks Adele's neck... Clement is heart broken as he sees Adele dying, and the idea pops. Turn his only love into what he is. It eliminates his agoraphobia, he couldn't kill anyone with Adele, his immaculate angel [yes, he actuallly uses those words...]. He realizes that he can love Adele the way he wants to... to love her the way she deserves to be loved : )
Happy Endings : ) *swoon*
All my love,
PS: You like???
Sunday, November 16, 2008
And you all probably think that I've just finished Midnight Sun: WRONG!
Forbidden Fruit
Chapter 1
I drifted out of my sleep. My eyes were closed, letting dappled sunlight fall on my eyelids. There was someone in the room crooning softly and a small infant giggling. The person had a deep, rich voice – I knew it well. That voice always made my heart quicken. I opened my eyes, almost blinded by the intense light.
There was my darling love, crooning over a child that was half of me and half of him. I strained to hear exactly what eh was saying.
“Aren’t you beautiful, Eliza?” he said in a soft ding-song voice. “You inherited you Mama’s best features: her eyes are the same dazzling blue as yours, my Eliza. Come, look, let’s see just how you are like your mother.” He placed his hands gently around the little girl’s stomach. She giggled with delight. My love rubbed his nose softly against my little daughter’s.
“See,” he whispered. “You even have her laugh.” He took her in his arms and turned towards me, his lips nuzzling into her cheek playfully. Then he saw me. I think his mouth fell open.
“I’m sorry, beloved Eliza,” he said, putting her back into her crib. “Your mother is too beautiful.”
He was at my side in three long steps. He sat at the edge of my bed and placed his hands on either side of my face. He gently leaned towards me and kissed my forehead.
After he had kissed my forehead, he stayed close, his fingers smoothing my hair. I reached my fingers into his long black hair and brought his face close. I looked deep into his blue-grey eyes. I touched my nose to his.
“Deon,” I whispered. He grinned wildly at me.
“I thought you’d never say that again,” he whispered touching my lips. “What is it, my beautiful wife?” I smiled.
“Only you can say that, love,” I replied. “I want nothing but to see you and our daughter in my arms.” Deon bent lower and kissed me until I was breathless. He kissed me again and again. He showed no intention of stopping until he heard little whimpers from our daughter’s crib.
“Eliza, you can’t stand all the attention on your mother, can you?” Deon said, relinquishing his hold on me. He picked her up and placed her in my arms. He slid under the covers and wound his arms around us.
I knew how we must look: a baby with rosy cheeks and a full head of black hair ever for her young age; all framing sparkling blue eyes and thick black lashes. A mother with her black hair unadorned in a black braid, looking particularly plain, since she had once been amongst the courts; a man; a father, his blue-grey eyes caressing the two upon which he smiled.
I marveled at how perfectly we all fit. I was the perfect shape to fit Eliza in my arms with my head tucked beneath Deon’s chin. We fit together perfectly.
I heard footsteps and then there was a knocking at out door. I silently said thanks that I was dressed. Deon kissed my cheek.
“I would not be able to let you go if I didn’t know I could have you tonight,” he whispered, his grin widening.
He stood and opened the door.
“Brother Cairn,” he greeted, grasping a man – my old friend – into a tight hug.
“Deon,” Cairn replied. “Is Shamnal awake?”
“Why?” Deon asked, his voice turning to steel.
“She is to meet someone, Abbess’s orders,” Cairn said quietly. “I also have a message from the Abbess for Shamnal.” Cairn breathed. “Is she awake?”
“Indeed I am,” I said from my place on the bed. “How are you, Cairn? Who is it that I am supposed to meet?” Cairn hesitated at the door; Deon grabbed the shoulder of his robe and pulled him into the room. He was followed by a priestess in a bright yellow robe.
Cairn came close, hugging me.
“I am well, Shamnal,” he said quietly. He looked at the ground and his cheeks flushed.
“Who is your friend?” I asked nodding toward the yellow-robed girl.
“Oh,” Cairn said, he looked upon the priestess with obvious affection. “This is Gabri – Priestess Gabri.”
The girl blushed and came forward.
“A pleasure,” I said, smiling. Eliza squirmed. “Gabri, come. My daughter craves attention.”
Gabri came and sat next to me on the bed, taking Eliza from my arms, rocking and humming to her.
“You have such a beautiful child,” she whispered. I reached over and brushed my finger against Eliza’s rosy pink cheeks.
“Thank you, Gabri,” I said quietly. Gabri returned my now sleeping daughter to my arms. Gabri stood.
“I think we will be leaving now,” she said firmly. “It has been so good to meet you, Shamnal.”
“And I, you,” I said smiling.
They were in the doorway when Gabri turned to Cairn and nodded. Cairn reddened and turned back towards me.
“I’m sorry, I almost forgot!” he exclaimed. He rushed towards me and slipped a piece of parchement between my fingers. “From the Abbess.”
Cairn left; his eyes only for Gabri. Deon closed the door an placed Eliza in her crib. Our baby slept so peacefully. Deon returned to me, wrapping his arms around my now slender waist.
“What’s the note say?” he asked. I silently unfolded it.
“I have no idea,” I replied. “Would you do the honors?” I handed him the paper to read. He took it and skimmed it, his brows furring.
“All it says is: What do you think?” Deon said confused. “It’s signed by the abbess.”
“I think I know,” I said thoughtfully. Deon wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. My skin tingled where he kissed me.
“Are you going to enlighten me?” he asked; his voice muffled. I lifted his hair away from his face and brushed his cheek.
“The Abbess is wondering if Gabri is a good match for Cairn.” I said quietly. “What do you think?” Deon shifted so that I was huddled into his chest and his cheek brushed against mine.
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “But the Abbess was asking you not me. Nothing I say counts here.”
“But it does, my love,” I pointed out. “You are the other half of me. I cannot make a decision without listening to all of me.”
“In that case,” Deon said teasing, “I have to listen to my other half’s opinion too.” I bit my lip thoughtfully.
“I think it would be a good match,” I said. Then I laughed. “He has an obvious affection for her. And she is quiet and knows that she can’t everything. I’d like to see how she interacts with Cairn, thought.”
“Mrs. Shamnal Matchmaker,” Deon murmured. I smiled.
We spent the rest of the day entwined in each other’s arms – sometimes our daughter was in my arms; sometimes sleeping in her crib. We laughed softly and crooned in inaudible tones. Before the sun set, a messenger came, the Abbess wished to have dinner with me. Deon helped me dress into an elegant, midnight blue dress and a black shawl.
When the time came for me to leave, Deon kissed me. He took Eliza from my arms and I let her go reluctantly kissing her cheek.
“I will miss you,” I murmured. “After awakening, you can hardly blame me for not wanting to leave.”
Deon smiled, “I know, but do your duty. The Abbess has done much for us.”
“I wish, Deon, that just one you would not call your mother the Abbess,” I said exasperated. “She asks you not to and she is your mother.”
“My love, my mother never raised me, she admits so herself,” Deon replied. “She knows I call her the Abbess only because I never knew her as a mother.”
“I lifted my hands in defeat, “I will not fight over it. It just saddens me you do not acknowledge her my her real title. Yes, she serves the goddess, but she also put a lot of effort into finding you a suitable home. Without that home I may never have met you, love,”
Deon kissed the palms of my raised hands. “I will consider it for your benefit, my love. Now, go, before you are late.”
I did another of my customary unexpected gestures. I took Deon’s hand. He kissed mine and I, in return, kissed his. I left, with Deon watching from the doorway and Eliza in his arms.
My childhood, spent within these walls. These walls had frightened me before. Now I saw the life that resided there: moss, spiders, insects. From the most invaluable creature to the young priestesses flitting her in and there in their yellow robes. Walking down the frozen halls, I had only one thought: There was life every where.
You KNOW you love me!
All my love,
Forbidden Fruit
Chapter 1
I drifted out of my sleep. My eyes were closed, letting dappled sunlight fall on my eyelids. There was someone in the room crooning softly and a small infant giggling. The person had a deep, rich voice – I knew it well. That voice always made my heart quicken. I opened my eyes, almost blinded by the intense light.
There was my darling love, crooning over a child that was half of me and half of him. I strained to hear exactly what eh was saying.
“Aren’t you beautiful, Eliza?” he said in a soft ding-song voice. “You inherited you Mama’s best features: her eyes are the same dazzling blue as yours, my Eliza. Come, look, let’s see just how you are like your mother.” He placed his hands gently around the little girl’s stomach. She giggled with delight. My love rubbed his nose softly against my little daughter’s.
“See,” he whispered. “You even have her laugh.” He took her in his arms and turned towards me, his lips nuzzling into her cheek playfully. Then he saw me. I think his mouth fell open.
“I’m sorry, beloved Eliza,” he said, putting her back into her crib. “Your mother is too beautiful.”
He was at my side in three long steps. He sat at the edge of my bed and placed his hands on either side of my face. He gently leaned towards me and kissed my forehead.
After he had kissed my forehead, he stayed close, his fingers smoothing my hair. I reached my fingers into his long black hair and brought his face close. I looked deep into his blue-grey eyes. I touched my nose to his.
“Deon,” I whispered. He grinned wildly at me.
“I thought you’d never say that again,” he whispered touching my lips. “What is it, my beautiful wife?” I smiled.
“Only you can say that, love,” I replied. “I want nothing but to see you and our daughter in my arms.” Deon bent lower and kissed me until I was breathless. He kissed me again and again. He showed no intention of stopping until he heard little whimpers from our daughter’s crib.
“Eliza, you can’t stand all the attention on your mother, can you?” Deon said, relinquishing his hold on me. He picked her up and placed her in my arms. He slid under the covers and wound his arms around us.
I knew how we must look: a baby with rosy cheeks and a full head of black hair ever for her young age; all framing sparkling blue eyes and thick black lashes. A mother with her black hair unadorned in a black braid, looking particularly plain, since she had once been amongst the courts; a man; a father, his blue-grey eyes caressing the two upon which he smiled.
I marveled at how perfectly we all fit. I was the perfect shape to fit Eliza in my arms with my head tucked beneath Deon’s chin. We fit together perfectly.
I heard footsteps and then there was a knocking at out door. I silently said thanks that I was dressed. Deon kissed my cheek.
“I would not be able to let you go if I didn’t know I could have you tonight,” he whispered, his grin widening.
He stood and opened the door.
“Brother Cairn,” he greeted, grasping a man – my old friend – into a tight hug.
“Deon,” Cairn replied. “Is Shamnal awake?”
“Why?” Deon asked, his voice turning to steel.
“She is to meet someone, Abbess’s orders,” Cairn said quietly. “I also have a message from the Abbess for Shamnal.” Cairn breathed. “Is she awake?”
“Indeed I am,” I said from my place on the bed. “How are you, Cairn? Who is it that I am supposed to meet?” Cairn hesitated at the door; Deon grabbed the shoulder of his robe and pulled him into the room. He was followed by a priestess in a bright yellow robe.
Cairn came close, hugging me.
“I am well, Shamnal,” he said quietly. He looked at the ground and his cheeks flushed.
“Who is your friend?” I asked nodding toward the yellow-robed girl.
“Oh,” Cairn said, he looked upon the priestess with obvious affection. “This is Gabri – Priestess Gabri.”
The girl blushed and came forward.
“A pleasure,” I said, smiling. Eliza squirmed. “Gabri, come. My daughter craves attention.”
Gabri came and sat next to me on the bed, taking Eliza from my arms, rocking and humming to her.
“You have such a beautiful child,” she whispered. I reached over and brushed my finger against Eliza’s rosy pink cheeks.
“Thank you, Gabri,” I said quietly. Gabri returned my now sleeping daughter to my arms. Gabri stood.
“I think we will be leaving now,” she said firmly. “It has been so good to meet you, Shamnal.”
“And I, you,” I said smiling.
They were in the doorway when Gabri turned to Cairn and nodded. Cairn reddened and turned back towards me.
“I’m sorry, I almost forgot!” he exclaimed. He rushed towards me and slipped a piece of parchement between my fingers. “From the Abbess.”
Cairn left; his eyes only for Gabri. Deon closed the door an placed Eliza in her crib. Our baby slept so peacefully. Deon returned to me, wrapping his arms around my now slender waist.
“What’s the note say?” he asked. I silently unfolded it.
“I have no idea,” I replied. “Would you do the honors?” I handed him the paper to read. He took it and skimmed it, his brows furring.
“All it says is: What do you think?” Deon said confused. “It’s signed by the abbess.”
“I think I know,” I said thoughtfully. Deon wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. My skin tingled where he kissed me.
“Are you going to enlighten me?” he asked; his voice muffled. I lifted his hair away from his face and brushed his cheek.
“The Abbess is wondering if Gabri is a good match for Cairn.” I said quietly. “What do you think?” Deon shifted so that I was huddled into his chest and his cheek brushed against mine.
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “But the Abbess was asking you not me. Nothing I say counts here.”
“But it does, my love,” I pointed out. “You are the other half of me. I cannot make a decision without listening to all of me.”
“In that case,” Deon said teasing, “I have to listen to my other half’s opinion too.” I bit my lip thoughtfully.
“I think it would be a good match,” I said. Then I laughed. “He has an obvious affection for her. And she is quiet and knows that she can’t everything. I’d like to see how she interacts with Cairn, thought.”
“Mrs. Shamnal Matchmaker,” Deon murmured. I smiled.
We spent the rest of the day entwined in each other’s arms – sometimes our daughter was in my arms; sometimes sleeping in her crib. We laughed softly and crooned in inaudible tones. Before the sun set, a messenger came, the Abbess wished to have dinner with me. Deon helped me dress into an elegant, midnight blue dress and a black shawl.
When the time came for me to leave, Deon kissed me. He took Eliza from my arms and I let her go reluctantly kissing her cheek.
“I will miss you,” I murmured. “After awakening, you can hardly blame me for not wanting to leave.”
Deon smiled, “I know, but do your duty. The Abbess has done much for us.”
“I wish, Deon, that just one you would not call your mother the Abbess,” I said exasperated. “She asks you not to and she is your mother.”
“My love, my mother never raised me, she admits so herself,” Deon replied. “She knows I call her the Abbess only because I never knew her as a mother.”
“I lifted my hands in defeat, “I will not fight over it. It just saddens me you do not acknowledge her my her real title. Yes, she serves the goddess, but she also put a lot of effort into finding you a suitable home. Without that home I may never have met you, love,”
Deon kissed the palms of my raised hands. “I will consider it for your benefit, my love. Now, go, before you are late.”
I did another of my customary unexpected gestures. I took Deon’s hand. He kissed mine and I, in return, kissed his. I left, with Deon watching from the doorway and Eliza in his arms.
My childhood, spent within these walls. These walls had frightened me before. Now I saw the life that resided there: moss, spiders, insects. From the most invaluable creature to the young priestesses flitting her in and there in their yellow robes. Walking down the frozen halls, I had only one thought: There was life every where.
You KNOW you love me!
All my love,
Friday, November 14, 2008
MORE Immortal Words:
"And by the way, I adore you... in frightening, dangerous ways."
BTW: just so i don't get sued: NO COPYWRIT INFRINGMENT INTENDED!!!
All my love,
"And by the way, I adore you... in frightening, dangerous ways."
BTW: just so i don't get sued: NO COPYWRIT INFRINGMENT INTENDED!!!
All my love,
Immortal Words:
"What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?"
NO: I AM NOT reading Twilight for the fourth time.
NO: I AM NOT listening to a Twilight trailer for the eightieth time.
YES: I am reading what very little [approx. 264 pgs] of what Stephenie Meyers has published of Midnight Sun [squee squee squee!] on her website.
Tabitha: SQUEEEEEEEEEE! yes it's really THAT goooood : )
I'm only on pg. 114! and i started an hour ago....
That shouldn't be mildly disturbing : ))))
All my love,
NO: I AM NOT reading Twilight for the fourth time.
NO: I AM NOT listening to a Twilight trailer for the eightieth time.
YES: I am reading what very little [approx. 264 pgs] of what Stephenie Meyers has published of Midnight Sun [squee squee squee!] on her website.
Tabitha: SQUEEEEEEEEEE! yes it's really THAT goooood : )
I'm only on pg. 114! and i started an hour ago....
That shouldn't be mildly disturbing : ))))
All my love,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I think this applies:
so i finished Breaking Dawn [and I'm sure you are all happy that I'm not lighting this blog on fire with girly squees] and i think this particular phrase from the Hunchback of NotreDame appllies:
"I'm free! I'm free! DANG IT!"
[from the Disney Movie of course!]
I'm free, but not more Edward Cullen : ( boo hoo, but plenty of ideas : )
All my love,
"I'm free! I'm free! DANG IT!"
[from the Disney Movie of course!]
I'm free, but not more Edward Cullen : ( boo hoo, but plenty of ideas : )
All my love,
More Speed Writing : )
as if I didn't have enough : )
This is putting Apologize [the song] and D.J.... which I'm still revising and putting it together thus giving you.... sadness.
Chapter 1 [i already did this : )]
I remember the way Matt described us. A driving force of nature. A bond so strong no one could break it. Electricity.
What happened to that? It disappeared when Matt did. I mean that literally - on the last day of camp, Matt disappeared. There was a search and everything, but nothing ever happened. No one ever found him. I refused to give up on Matt, he was too special - who knew if I would ever find someone like him that completed my life the way he had? They call it intervention. I wouldn't give up so they created this force... this magnet that blew up the electricity. This lie that he was dead - to stop me from continuing my search for Matt. They: my parents, my friends. All but the select few: my sister, Charlene, my best friends, Nathan and Erin... they refused to let me give up because they knew what he meant to me.
But what happened to Matt? I'll never know, because he probably IS dead, but I refuse that concept. If anything, I think that destiny works its magic as long as your patient enough to see what it is. But without Matt, where was the electricity that had run my life?
If life ended last year, then did it start again this year? Did it start when I met another electric person?
After Matt's disappearance, I lapsed in and out of depression. Nathan and Erin adapted to my ever-changing moods with gradulating speed - soon they were able to get my moods just by looking at me and responded accordingly. Nathan was the ruler of bear hugs and Erin the empress of shopping sprees and critic of clothes. They tried to help me and in many ways they did. I was on the long way to recovery - recovery from Matt.
It sometimes seemed as if I needed rehab to get over Matt, but sometimes I didn't want my medication.
So it all started at four A.M.
There's another short story here: Matt had this sweatshirt that he wore everywhere. When he started dating me, he told me - showed me - that the night after he had met me he had written something in that sweatshirt: I love D.J. Translation: I love Danielle Jones. He loved me. When he disappeared, Erin had given that sweatshirt to me.
I usually used it as a pillow. It still smelled like Matt's cologne. A musky, dark scent that I adored.
Okay, all I've got time for : )
Love you all!
All my love,
This is putting Apologize [the song] and D.J.... which I'm still revising and putting it together thus giving you.... sadness.
Chapter 1 [i already did this : )]
I remember the way Matt described us. A driving force of nature. A bond so strong no one could break it. Electricity.
What happened to that? It disappeared when Matt did. I mean that literally - on the last day of camp, Matt disappeared. There was a search and everything, but nothing ever happened. No one ever found him. I refused to give up on Matt, he was too special - who knew if I would ever find someone like him that completed my life the way he had? They call it intervention. I wouldn't give up so they created this force... this magnet that blew up the electricity. This lie that he was dead - to stop me from continuing my search for Matt. They: my parents, my friends. All but the select few: my sister, Charlene, my best friends, Nathan and Erin... they refused to let me give up because they knew what he meant to me.
But what happened to Matt? I'll never know, because he probably IS dead, but I refuse that concept. If anything, I think that destiny works its magic as long as your patient enough to see what it is. But without Matt, where was the electricity that had run my life?
If life ended last year, then did it start again this year? Did it start when I met another electric person?
After Matt's disappearance, I lapsed in and out of depression. Nathan and Erin adapted to my ever-changing moods with gradulating speed - soon they were able to get my moods just by looking at me and responded accordingly. Nathan was the ruler of bear hugs and Erin the empress of shopping sprees and critic of clothes. They tried to help me and in many ways they did. I was on the long way to recovery - recovery from Matt.
It sometimes seemed as if I needed rehab to get over Matt, but sometimes I didn't want my medication.
So it all started at four A.M.
There's another short story here: Matt had this sweatshirt that he wore everywhere. When he started dating me, he told me - showed me - that the night after he had met me he had written something in that sweatshirt: I love D.J. Translation: I love Danielle Jones. He loved me. When he disappeared, Erin had given that sweatshirt to me.
I usually used it as a pillow. It still smelled like Matt's cologne. A musky, dark scent that I adored.
Okay, all I've got time for : )
Love you all!
All my love,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I never thought I'd say this...
But, gosh, Nickleback is helping me overcome some minor dificulty with Prison Cell!!
Don'tcha love it??
FYI: Sphinxy dear isn't going to last long if she doesn't call me.
INSIDE JOKE: Sphinx.. I now've got shoes like yours : ) the a-hem me shoes.
GEEZ.. I want the love life of a Vamp. noooo restrictions. I want the self-control of Bella and her beauty too [since that's one thing I've never had] and I want the mood-tasting of Jasper.
All combined in one.. wouldn't that be great? Or maybe I shoud just ask to be Renesme and Jasper... works better.
All my love,
Don'tcha love it??
FYI: Sphinxy dear isn't going to last long if she doesn't call me.
INSIDE JOKE: Sphinx.. I now've got shoes like yours : ) the a-hem me shoes.
GEEZ.. I want the love life of a Vamp. noooo restrictions. I want the self-control of Bella and her beauty too [since that's one thing I've never had] and I want the mood-tasting of Jasper.
All combined in one.. wouldn't that be great? Or maybe I shoud just ask to be Renesme and Jasper... works better.
All my love,
Friday, November 7, 2008
Help 4 Tabitha...
This is probably the best advice I've ever given or recieved [yeh, give Olivia the credit!]
It's for free and you can join and read all your favorites [a.k.a. Twilight Saga] online.
Yeh, you'll ruin your eyes, but it's worth it.
All my love,
It's for free and you can join and read all your favorites [a.k.a. Twilight Saga] online.
Yeh, you'll ruin your eyes, but it's worth it.
All my love,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Vortican, for once, is right... I was wowing about some raciness in B.D. and yes, quite frankly, I was enjoying it emensely! Why not? They ARE married.
All my love,
PS: The whole Renesme alive and kicking.... it could be considered as both good AND bad. Reneseme is growing at the speed of light [i.e. Bella is two weeks pregnant and the size of a nine-month-pregnant woman...] and that she is like.. freaking DYING!
so that's the BAD.
The GOOD is that Bella has another object to love : ))))
I give her credit, who WOULDn't love her own child? and Edward just MOANS about 'it' calling 'it' a 'thing'... he's not very... um... optomistic?
All my love,
PS: The whole Renesme alive and kicking.... it could be considered as both good AND bad. Reneseme is growing at the speed of light [i.e. Bella is two weeks pregnant and the size of a nine-month-pregnant woman...] and that she is like.. freaking DYING!
so that's the BAD.
The GOOD is that Bella has another object to love : ))))
I give her credit, who WOULDn't love her own child? and Edward just MOANS about 'it' calling 'it' a 'thing'... he's not very... um... optomistic?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Next Addition
Taking a small break from the extremely intense Breaking Dawn and Way Back Into Love [you know, Music&Lyrics?] and blogging to you all...
When did THAT happen??? my writing is going to be VERY eratic right now... and I'm going to work on D.J. tonight. and Prison Cell is on hold... for now.
No Writer's Block for weeks now [am I cured?].
And GOD!!! WOW... Jacob... Book TWO... and i'm on page 159.
I'll keep you posted!
All my love, [yeh i switched back : )]
When did THAT happen??? my writing is going to be VERY eratic right now... and I'm going to work on D.J. tonight. and Prison Cell is on hold... for now.
No Writer's Block for weeks now [am I cured?].
And GOD!!! WOW... Jacob... Book TWO... and i'm on page 159.
I'll keep you posted!
All my love, [yeh i switched back : )]
um... er...
and the above puts it BLUNTLY!
I'm reading Breaking Dawn and.. um... er... i found out that Renesme is alive and kicking...
Peace, Love, Vamps,
I'm reading Breaking Dawn and.. um... er... i found out that Renesme is alive and kicking...
Peace, Love, Vamps,
: )))
Wild Smiles : )))
No, I am not happy, Obama won... geez what worse president could we get?
BUT I AM happy...
A) I finished Eclipse.... *rar rar rar*
B) I am starting Breaking Dawn [yeh, i DID skip ahead, but why ever not?]
C) There are many advantages to being married ['nuff said : )]
Now back to filling you in on my life:
My computer died... and it couldn't have picked a worse time. Prison Cell has been hand written now take THAT!
My Editor [sphinx] is not answering her cell..... geez how am i supposed to post Prison Cell now??? that and I like to rant.
This Saturday, I have to go to Oakland Catholic for my Scholarship Entrance Exam... my mom thinks I'll pass with flying colors, but I am not so optomistic.
I am writing like a mad dog, only for the purpose of getting to Breaking Dawn faster... Stephenie Meyers: YOU ARE BRILLIANT!
Peace, Love, and Vampires, my dears,
No, I am not happy, Obama won... geez what worse president could we get?
BUT I AM happy...
A) I finished Eclipse.... *rar rar rar*
B) I am starting Breaking Dawn [yeh, i DID skip ahead, but why ever not?]
C) There are many advantages to being married ['nuff said : )]
Now back to filling you in on my life:
My computer died... and it couldn't have picked a worse time. Prison Cell has been hand written now take THAT!
My Editor [sphinx] is not answering her cell..... geez how am i supposed to post Prison Cell now??? that and I like to rant.
This Saturday, I have to go to Oakland Catholic for my Scholarship Entrance Exam... my mom thinks I'll pass with flying colors, but I am not so optomistic.
I am writing like a mad dog, only for the purpose of getting to Breaking Dawn faster... Stephenie Meyers: YOU ARE BRILLIANT!
Peace, Love, and Vampires, my dears,
Monday, November 3, 2008
Utter Randomness ; )
now THIS is RANDOM!!
okay, still reading Eclipse [God, Stephenie Meyers, could Edward be any less tempting??] and oooooo you will just scream..
Yes Vortican... SQUEES all round!
YOU: WHAT THE HELL did she do now?
ME: AHHH!!!! Edward proposed!!!!! EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!
okay, still got to get that hyperness out :)
Peace, Love, and your own Edward Cullen,
okay, still reading Eclipse [God, Stephenie Meyers, could Edward be any less tempting??] and oooooo you will just scream..
Yes Vortican... SQUEES all round!
YOU: WHAT THE HELL did she do now?
ME: AHHH!!!! Edward proposed!!!!! EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!
okay, still got to get that hyperness out :)
Peace, Love, and your own Edward Cullen,
HEY!!! more randomness : )
well, i don't have TONS of randomness, just tons of news.
FIRST: I've got to revise D.J.
YOU: okay, spilling galore!
ME: okay I'm actually writing Prison Cell [I'm sure Vortican remembers THIS one!] and it's really going well!!!!
ME: Soon enough. You'd love it though!
Peace, Love, and Vampires,
FIRST: I've got to revise D.J.
YOU: okay, spilling galore!
ME: okay I'm actually writing Prison Cell [I'm sure Vortican remembers THIS one!] and it's really going well!!!!
ME: Soon enough. You'd love it though!
Peace, Love, and Vampires,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
How long has it been? TWO WEEKS!!!
Why? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS [call me if you seriously want to know... not like I did drugs or anything I'm ashamed of [well kinda sorta.]]
Anyways, D.J. is being revised [a thousand, million apologizes, dears but it had to happen] and still NO WRITER'S BLOCK!!! thank GOD.
Okay, g2g, I'm keeping my 'welcome back' post short.
Peace, Love, and Vampires,
Why? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS [call me if you seriously want to know... not like I did drugs or anything I'm ashamed of [well kinda sorta.]]
Anyways, D.J. is being revised [a thousand, million apologizes, dears but it had to happen] and still NO WRITER'S BLOCK!!! thank GOD.
Okay, g2g, I'm keeping my 'welcome back' post short.
Peace, Love, and Vampires,
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hey, cherrios - smile!