Friday, October 31, 2008
For All you Idiots : )
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Finding D.J., Chapter 4
The next morning, I was fine, except for a large blue bruise on my head. I still had coordination problems that morning and I wasn't so sure I could make it down the stairs. I dressed at an almost snail-like pace. I could hear everyone dowstairs at breakfast. Jason's door had a 'do not disturb' sign on it. I passed by and headed for the stairs.
"Whoa, whoa whoa," a voice exclaimed. "Where do you think you're going? I did tell you that you're not supposed to be alone in case of another tripping spree, didn't I?"
"No," I said quietly, reminding Jason to lower his voice. "You negelcted to inform me of that tidbit of information." We headed down the stairs; I lost my balance at least five times. Maybe it was my head, but it could have been the extreme gothic way that Jason dressed. I had barely noticed yesterday, but today, it was clear that Jason could be a gothic model if he really wanted to.
his gorgeous brown hair was slightly spiked; he had a tight shirt that emphasized every little muscle on his chest and arms; semi-tight black skinny leg jeans and black sneakers...the total revelation of a gothic god.
What?! Had I just thought that? Gothic god?
I shook my head and Jason noticed.
"Are you alright?" he said, his hand touching my arm.
"Yeah," I said, "fine."
"Okay," Jason replied, a little deterred.
We joined the cafeteria crowd. Jason, at my suggestion, detoured to Mike and Martin so that they wouldn't get the wrong idea about me. Of course, Jason took it a little too seriously and said that if Mike and Martin thought that we were going out, he would be happy to comply and make it the truth. One word rang sound through my body, making me feel nauseated and numb at the same time. I sat next to Erin, who was the only person who really knew what Matt had meant to me. And she knew because she had a crush on him at the same time.
"Danielle!" she said giving me a huge hug. She was sort of like Jason, but with black dyed hair, bangs, braids, tight white shirts, black pants ot mini skirts, and a couple of tattoos; she brought gothic to the extreme. If Erin could be in "NCIS", she would be Abbey - she would definately love that job.
"Hey," I said. I nodded to Mike, "Looks like you got someone's attention."
"Really? Do you think that Mike likes me?" Erin said, slightly annoyed.
"Yeah, I think he does. Does that bother you?"
"I don't know, he's just...too sweet," Erin said.
"Trust me, I know what you mean," I said quietly.
Erin lowered her voice.
"I think my brother loves you," she whispered.
"I think love is a little strong," I said, hoping that she was right.
"No, I think love is the right word - he practically drools over you."
"I honestly don't think I'm ready, Erin. I know - feel like I'm some betraying bastard...every time I get close to Jason." I said it like she would know - know that I did like Jason, but my heart just wasn't going to allow it.
"He's not coming back...face it," she said. "I know I'm being harsh, but my brother's a great guy. And besides, he needs someone to shame him for how bad he treats himself."
"Really?" I said quietly. "How bad is he...really?"
"Really, really?" Erin said leaning in closer. "You probably don't know this, but Jason does a lot of things that no one can make him stop. He still writes suicide notes."
"How do you know?"
"I'm the one who finds them before he acts on them. I'm the one that hides them from his friends so that they won't know how bad he really is..." Erin's voice turned to pleading. "I don't think he can deal with another rejection, but don't tell him I said that...say you're extremely observant or something. He doesn't realize what it'd do to us...but I think you could help."
Erin and I stayed in silence for a moment, then started chatting about our day-to-day lives and how annoying everyone was. I didn't even notice when Jason appeared next to me.
"So, what are you two chatting about?" he asked.
"Our boyfriends," Erin said, winking at me. I smiled.
"Rar," I growled. Jason lauged and Erin's eyebrows shot up.
"Flirting!" Erin mouthed at me.
"Well, how are they going?" he asked nudging me in the ribs.
"Wouldn't you like to know!" Erin said with mock horror.
"Actually," he said, "I'd love to know. I bet Erin doesn't have one."
Erin put her hands up, "Guilty as charged; single as a glass bottle in the ocean."
"You know, there are thousands of glass bottles in the ocean by now," I said.
"I know, but I', never alone, so that works," Erin replied. "How about you Danielle?" Erin asked it so Jason wouldn't have to.
"Single," I said. "Single like a snake in the desert."
"Now that's an analogy that expresses lonliness," Erin said, serious.
"Well, you know the truth, Erin," I replied.
"Is there something I'm missing here?" Jason asked, just barely glancing at Erin, but keeping his intense green eyes on me. "Danielle?"
Erin looked at me, "You didn't tell him?"
I shook my head.
"What?" Jason asked, the anger clear in his voice.
Erin wet her lips, "Well, under the circumstances, I think this is a strictly private matter that I can't discuss without permission."
"Nice verbage, Erin," Jason said.
"Thanks," Erin replied. Jason nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "Matt?"
I nodded and let him hug me for a while. He was warm and friendly...and my heart nearly broke from the sense of betrayal.
The morning passed by in a blur of boring talks and Jason and I passing notes back and forth. It was near the end of talks...
Are you going to tell me - like what we were talking about at breakfast? Jason wrote.
I liked his handwriting; it was neat.
I might, I wrote back. It's another one of those not-so-interesting stories, you know?
I figured as much.
Did you?
I did.
I might, if I get out of baseball.
You know you will...even if you don't want to.
Thanks for giving me the warning.
You're welcome.
That was pretty much the end of our note-passing frenzy. After another loathsome talk, Jason shuttled me off to the nurse's office. Nurse Helen looked up from her ten-ton pile of paperwork, a smile lighting her face at the distraction.
"Feeling any better Danielle?" she asked cheerily, though genuinely concerened.
I was about to open my mouth, but Jason talked over me.
"She's a little dizzy," he said quickly. "Can I have a pass for two?"
Nurse Helen saw that he had been playfully flitring with me earlier. Of course she got 'hints'.
"Sure sweetheart," she said, like a pill of poisoned sugar. Helen called up the Coach. Coach was a man who thought that sports were everything. If you coulfn't do sports, you were pretty much useless in his eyes. I had my fair share of fights over him trying to get me to be athletic. It still didn't work for him.
A Letter from the Editor
I am here for two reasons, one of which is to prove my existence, and the other is to carry out a request placed by Asiat herself.
She has been rendered unable to attend to her blog for a period of time and has asked me to post what are now chapters four and five of her story, entitled "Finding D.J."
I have been entrusted by her to deliver these portions adequately, so that her faithful blog-readers might feast on its content.
So, without further adeiu, I give you the next installments of...D.J.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Edward left a note on Bella's pillow: "Look after my heart, I've left it with you."
Now I SWEAR some guy could win my heart with that.
Peace, Love, Vampires,
More Twilight pics : )

next... Okay Olivia, admitt it! Edward was walking to ME not you!!! jkjk.. tho navy is a great color.
after that! Thank you, Olivia, the caption is alllllllll mine.
Edward looked at Bella, "I can't do this, I love Asiat, not you!"
*Bella bursts out crying*
*Edward leaves her and walks across the computer screen to me*
The wardrobe in this scene is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE!!! any less flattering coats would be called dog skins.
And Olivia, do us all a favor and throw Bella out with the coat. and i would def. charish that coat.. and hurt you for the guy who wears it ; )
yeh.... this lady looks WAY TO HAPPY!!!
Moody Edward at the piano... !!!!
Cozy indeed... like him going "I'm BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!!!"
and yeh... SWEETTTT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace, Love, Vampires,
Friday, October 17, 2008

B: lunch time is.... explicit. Jasper and Alice are like doing the horizontal tango vertically. and Edward looks like a sad puppy... aww.
2. some snail [flushed away] should come rolling down the screen singing: Lonely... I'm Mr. Lonely
C: these teeth suck so bad that i'm not putting it on here... well, mebe i am. temptation is soo great. and James is in the bottom right corner : )
D: This is a to-die-for scene.. now if only i was Bella... only i'd be like 'bite me NOW'
E: [cuz apples and puddles are so lame] more prom scenes.
F: I see your point, though Olivia, body parts poster isn't that cool. "You've got to give me some answers here." "I'd rather hear your theories." "I've considered radioactive spiders...."
BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! GOD I CAN't WAIT FOR NOV. 21. Olivia and Sphinx can both kidnap me and we shall go watch it again and again. and I'll blog the heck out of you guys.
Peace, Love, Vamps,
Another sweet moment.
D.J. too!
It was Valentine's Day. Jason was in Colorado with his family. And I was alone. I sat down to my computer... swearing to at least enjoy my emails. I only had one message.
from: Jason
subject: be mine?
I opened it.
It was a YouTube video.
And there was a message from Jason.
My beloved darling,
I'm so sorry that I can't be there to make your Valentine's Day. Half of this video is Erin taping me and the other half is a surprise that I taped by accident.
I opened the link.
Jason was blushing. He started singing in that gorgeous baritone that I adored. He looked straight at the camera.
"L is for the way you look at me." Nat King Cole.
"O is for the only one I see.
V is very very extraordinary.
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
love, is all that I could give to you...
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it take my heart.
Please don't break it.
Love was made for me and you."
It went on and on for a minute and a half. I was crying by the end... part from laughter and part from missing him.
The video wasn't finished though.
Jason appeared before the camera.
"Hello darling, I miss you and love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
The story and the suprise is that Erin got a huge present today. We were at the dinner table and Erin goes and answers the door." Erin came unto the screen.
"To find out what happens next, call Jason's cell."
I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Jason's number.
"Hello?" Jason's voice said. I forgot that he didn't have caller ID.
"Hey, darling," I said. He immediately knew who I was.
"How are you, Danielle?" he asked sweetly.
"Fine how are you, my love?"
"Great, now that I've heard your voice."
"Ahh," I said, laughing.
"It's true," he replied.
"I know it is. I love you back!"
There was a not-so-akward silence.
"What is that suprise Erin was talking about?" I asked.
"Oh, here she is," he said.
"Hey!" I heard shouted across the phone.
"Hey there, Erin," I said.
"Okay, suprise," she said.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Matt proposed!" she exclaimed. My mouth dropped open.
"Seriously?" I asked.
"Seriously!" she echoed.
"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Congrats!"
Peace, Love, Vamps,
Sweetest Moments
[of course D.J.!]
Jason took me into his arms. He held me and whispered. Half the time, I didn't even listen... I just heard his rich baritone.
"I love you, Danielle. How could I ever leave the one girl I've ever truly loved? I need you, Danielle, will you ever let me help you? Yeah, I know Matt hurt you bad, but... move on. Move on to me. I never meant us to fight last night... I cried so hard, Erin had to come and hug me all night."
"Thank God for Erin," I whispered.
Jason held me back, "What? I thought you hated her... because of Matt."
"I moved on long ago, Jason," I said quietly. "It's just that... when he came back, my heart stopped. I remembered bad I felt everytime I held you... I remembered that... " I took a deep breathe. "I remembered that everytime I thought about you, I almost died with betrayal."
wow... I kinda just need to get some writing done :)
The Sweetest Moments of DANIELLE/JASON... ah, love.
Peace, Love, Vamps,
indeed, Tabby Cat, indeed..
Okay, fuming over and done with, I can say that D.J. is amazing and if my church's Bazar doesn't keep me too busy, Tabby Cat can dive into the third chapter [entitled Baseball]
O I changed it again since SOMEONE didn't like the 'may the stars watch over you'... Let's find out what I did put down.
Peace, Love, Vamps,
PS: ain't it great... I want ALL those things... Peace. Love. and VAMPIRES!!! so obsessed. ; )
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
: ) ; (
“Why did you?” Jason asked, nearly an hour later. This overly cute guy was thinking that he had to protect me. As if I was some poor princess that needed protecting.
“Why did I what?” I asked. I had spaced out and had no idea what he was talking about.
“Why did you do that to yourself?” he clarified. He had these really pretty green eyes. They were like the bottom of a forest of something… like I said, he was cute.
“It’s a long story,” I replied, trying to take the attention off of myself. “It’s a long, not very interesting story. Nothing as interesting as yours, anyways.”
He glanced at his watch, “We have time.” He said it with a frown. A cute frown.
“Like I said, not very interesting,” I grumbled.
“I’ll get it out of you, you know,” he said. I looked at him – he winked. Was this guy flirting with me? Jason was very cute and I was attracted to him, but after him it seemed impossible that I was beautiful or that anyone could love me as much as he had. Mom claimed that I really needed to move on with my life.
“You’ll find out,” I said.
“I’ll find out what?” he asked. Apparently, we couldn’t keep up with each other.
“You’ll find out why I did what I did at out first meeting,” I whispered. He leaned in. His cologne was intoxicating.
“What meeting?” he asked, somewhat bewildered.
“The first meeting of Church camp,” I replied. “The director spends one meeting on each person. If you look on the schedule, you’ll see that I’m lined up first.”
“So I guess I can fall asleep then?”
“You said that your story wasn’t interesting. I can fall asleep then.”
“Be my guest,” I replied.
Nathan turned into the driveway of All Saints’ Camp. It was a dirt road and everyone was already there. Two other SUVs; this year many had chosen not to attend. I was really happy – less people to laugh at me for making a big deal over him. Mike lifted Erin out of the middle seat and Martin jumped out of the back seat and put down his seat for Jason and me. Jason went out first and took my hand as he helped me out. He had a warm grasp. I tripped over a metal edge on the seat and flew – into what I expected to be asphalt.
And that’s exactly what I landed on. Jason had turned his head when some of the sisters had started introducing him and he hadn’t seen me trip. I went – head first – into the ground, with a force I didn’t think possible. I completely blacked out.
I couldn’t open my eyes because my head was pounding so furiously. I felt these strong muscular arms wrap around me. I tried to crack open my eyes, but a voice interrupted me.
“Don’t open your eyes, Danielle,” came Jason’s now-familiar voice. “You’re not going to like what you see.” Other voices became fainter and Jason’s became more prominent. “The nurse says you’ll be fine, you just need to rest. I’m taking you to your room. I just found out that mine is right across from yours.” He sounded pleased at that last sentence. I realized that I would rather look at his face than the black walls of my head. Whoah, where had that come from, I thought. I rationalized what I had just thought by saying to myself that my head was under a lot of pressure and that anyone would rather look at a cute guy than the inside of their own head.
Jason put me down after hauling me up the steps.
“Can you stand?” he asked quietly. He had guessed that loud noises hurt and he was right.
“I think so,” I said, but it proved wrong as I lost my balance as soon as Jason let go of me. He immediately grabbed my hips and held me up. His one arm supported me, twined around me, while the other carried my bags and opened the door to my room.
My room was cozy enough, it was dark and warm. Jason laid me down on the bed. Jason didn’t bother turning on any lights, he just sat in an over stuffed chair. It creaked eerily. I threw a pillow over my eyes. Complete and utter darkness. I found out that I still wanted to look at Jason.
“You’re going to miss the first meeting,” Jason said, keeping his voice cool and low. He took the pillow from my head and laid his hand – which was absolutely freezing – on my forehead. “The sisters said to see if I could drag your story out of you. I’m the only new kid here this year, so everyone else seems to already know your story, and they aren’t very willing to share. Will you tell me?”
“It’s an admittance I’d rather not say,” I said.
“And that means?” he asked.
“I means that I’d rather not talk about it.”
“I know what it means, but can you say a sentence that doesn’t make me have to read between the lines? Can it be all that bad?” he asked, putting his other cool hand on my forehead.
“Yes,” I whispered.
Jason was silent for a while. He left the room for a couple of minutes and returned with a rag and a bowl full of cold water which he placed on my head and turned every couple minutes. Jason was a very good nurse.
“I won’t press you,” he said quietly, gently, so softly I could barely hear.
“What?” I croaked.
“I won’t press you, but I do want to know what happened,” he said again.
“Why?” I asked, turning to look at him.
“Because,” he said, looking sagely at me with those amazing green eyes. His dark brown hair made him look like the main singer from one of those famous bands that I’d heard of, but never actually listened to.
“That’s not much on an answer,” I replied. He smiled.
“Enough, for now,” he said. “Enough until you give me a real answer to my question.”
I thought for a second, “You know, I found one word that explains what happened to me.”
“What is it?”
Jason gave me a look – a you-must-be-kidding look.
“Is that what disturbs you?” he asked. “Love?”
“No, it already has disturbed me,” I replied. “Perhaps I should rephrase.”
Jason’s green eyes intensified, “Please do.”
“Instead of love I should say… Matthew,” I said. His name seared down my throat. It was the first time I had said it in a year and tears popped out of the corners of my eyes.
“He hurt you bad, didn’t he?” Jason asked, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb.
“I can’t clarify,” I replied sarcastically. “No one knows where he is.”
“What do you mean this time? Stop speaking in riddles!” Jason replied laughing, but then he turned serious, his voice in a rich baritone growl, “No, really, what do you mean?”
“I mean, on the last day of camp last year, he disappeared,” I whispered. I was afraid to say more.
Jason looked as if he was about to cry himself.
“I can’t pretend to know that that’s like,” he said. “But when my girlfriend overdosed, she was so different that I felt like I’d lost her… I guess that’s partially like what you felt?”
“I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered softly.
“For what?” I asked. “You didn’t break my heart.”
“I made you cry – well, at least, I brought up a touchy subject that made you cry,” he said.
I laughed. His eyes widened… when had I last laughed like that?
“You think too much,” I said laughing. Suddenly I stopped and Jason lurched towards me.
“Are you okay?” he said, his low voice cracking.
“Yeah,” I replied. “I’m fine, just a little blurred vision, pain in the head, stupid asphalt pain.”
Jason smiled, but he didn’t look happy, “This head injury seem a lot more serious than I thought.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I said, but I thought: I’m sure it’s Matt.
Jason told me to try and sleep, do I tried. It was a hard business, trying to sleep. Jason pulled his chair closer to my bed and took my hand. He squeezed it, let it go, and fell asleep in his chair. I looked at him, his perfect face… and a pang of betrayal… but he was so different from him. All I could think of was that I was betraying him by spending time with Jason. It was a berserk idea, but I couldn’t block it out. What was left of my brain disappeared when I realized that Jason and I had been talking – and now dosing off – for nearly half the night. It was 1:00 A.M.
I tried to go to sleep, but that didn’t work out so well.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Finding D. J.
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Chapter 1 (Jason)
I took the sweater out of the closet for the millionth time. I smelled it for the millionth time. I felt the soft fabric for the millionth time. I imagined for the millionth time that he was still there and that he was still listening.
I love D.J., scribbled so softly on the left inside shoulder of the sweater.
I knew it wasn’t true, but I did it anyway, I wished that he really did love me. I knew that in four hours, my mom would come, insisting that I get out of bed as I hadn’t for a year, insisting that I try to get on with my life. But even now, I knew it wouldn’t happen. I would stay in bed and bury myself in the pillows – if only to wish that he would come and yell at me to get up.
4:00 A.M.
That’s what time it was. It went along this way last year. I had woken up at 4:00 A.M. and fallen back asleep. I knew that that day I would have to go to camp. Church camp. I knew that today I would have to go back again. I would have to go back to my nightmare. I looked at my packed bags and my sleeping bag. I stared out the window. Nathan would be picking me up at nine o’clock and I swore to myself that I would look presentable.
It took me a half hour to get up from my perch on the floor. I quickly took the sweater and shoved it into the very bottom of my bag and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth – scrubbed them so hard that my gums bled. I brushed my hair into a high ponytail until my scalp burned from the pressure – I was causing myself as much pain as possible to make sure I could still feel. I scrubbed my face and smeared concealer under my eyes – no one would catch me looking as I usually did. I dressed slowly, pulling a warm turtleneck over my head. I slipped a blue and black reversible vest over it. I realized that I had taken nearly three hours to get dressed.
I pulled my brown leather boots over my skinny leg jeans and looked in the mirror… presentable. I rushed downstairs and gobbled down a bowl of soggy cereal. Nathan rang the doorbell and opened the door.
“Hello, Mrs. Jones!” he called out. He walked into the kitchen and was very surprised to see me.
“Hello, Nathan,” I choked out.
“Hey there, Danielle,” he said. “Feeling better?”
“No,” I replied looking at my hands.
“You got out of bed,” he commented.
“Yeah,” I said. “Yeah, I did. Let’s go.”
My mom came downstairs and was also surprised to see that I was already up. Whe wished me good luck and kissed my cheek.
“Bye, I love you,” I whispered, thought I didn’t really mean it. If my mother really loved me then she wouldn’t have sent me to camp.
“Bye, Mrs. Jones,” Nathan said cheerily. “Have a nice week.”
“You too, Nathan,” Mom said smiling. “Tell me how she does.” She spoke as if I weren’t there. “Your dad will call later, Danielle.” Yeah, my dad was always promising to call later… but he never did. He always called to check on my mom and baby brother, but his seventeen year old daughter was lost to him.
Nathan shuttled my luggage into the back of his mom’s SUV. He opened the passenger side of the car for me and I stepped in. New car smell assailed me and I had to open the window just to keep from vomiting. Nathan didn’t object, I don’t think he’d have liked it if I vomited all over his mom’s car. On the way to camp, we picked up Nathan’s girlfriend, Leah, her brother Michael, Michael’s best friends, Jason and Martin, and Jason’s little sister Erin. Erin was my age and Leah was nineteen. Michael, Jason and Martin were all seventeen as well.
I moved into the back seat when Leah came. Jason and I sat all the way in the back, Michael, Martin, and Erin sat in the back, and Nathan and Leah in front. Jason was kind of cute, but I wasn’t into guys… not after him. Jason looked at me and smiled sheepishly. He pulled his sleeves down, but not before I saw the scars on his wrists. Now I realized why Nathan had said that Jason was someone I could relate to. I didn’t really care that everyone worried about me; Nathan was my best friend, he could worry all he wanted, but everyone else eyeing me to see if I would crush was just a little ridiculous.
“Hey, I’m Jason,” Jason said. “You know, Mike’s friend.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “I’ve heard of you; seen you in school too. You’re in my English class. Mrs. Marburg can be a pain.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “She can be, but I like English do it doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah,” I muttered. “Me too.”
It had been a while since I’d remembered that I’d once liked English.
Now I just went to school to go through the motions. I got straight A’s and never once had I failed a class – even the ones I hated. Jason kept up a stream of questions and conversation as if we were the only ones in the car. I was stupid and answered in the monosyllabic tones. He was just a little too cute… a little too much like him.
“Why,” I asked once. “Why did you do that to yourself?” I nodded at his cut wrists.
He covered them up with his black turtle neck.
“My girlfriend overdosed at a party,” he said. “My parents got divorced. My brother committed suicide. It was a bad year. I’m better now, but the scars will be there forever… to remind me of therapy I’ve had to go through.” He trailed off and smiled at me. I could see that he was ashamed of what he had done. I looked at Erin; she looked just as damaged.
“Do you think I’m nuts?” he asked quietly. As if anything I say counts, I thought.
“No,” I replied. “I’ve thought about it for a while.”
Jason immediately grabbed my wrists; slipping up my sleeves he looked at my inner wrists. He saw that there were two cuts on my left hand.
“Don’t,” he said brusquely. “Don’t ever do that. Again. You’ll regret it later.”
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vortican's Q&A:
On the matter of Glaedr... I miss him, but I think he has more strength than all the "Hearts" put together, so I think that Gleadr will have his revenge.
On the matter of the shaggy black mane... well he's hangin' out with Galbatorix so I guess his hair turned colors : )
Next up:
the whole morbid thing.... it's worth it. Loretta is um... CYANIDE-afied. its a great story and well worth the two periods of free time I spent on it.
I guess you are morbid.
on another note:
enjoying work so far???
otherwise, the color is great. btw, the weekend wasn't so great. you know why.
wooo i miss ya'll.
May the stars watch over you,
Friday, October 10, 2008
hello and goodbye dears
Okay, so I'll be hopefully posting once I get to Mikey's, Sippyeh's, and Sphinx's [i finally found out who he was : )] and i've got Finding D.J. [which is now my super duper break : )] galore... i now have two note-worthy love-scenes that you will all adore... the first is already on here and the second I wrote in Math class this morning [sorry, Mrs. K. the urge to write is very spontaneous and I get the lesson now : )] and I've just copied out the entire first and second chapters for my editor [Sphinx] and my best friend [Mikey] and THANK GOD FOR SKYPE!!!!
hahaha, I've got to go, my dears.
May the stars watch over you,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
the wild morbiness of October:
I've a story due tomorrow and I've decided that since it's typed out, to publish it for your benefit.. granted, it is a tad morbid : )
The desert was rich and smooth with an elusive hint of a slightly bitter taste. Loretta licked the small silver spoon, her long white fangs extended and scraped softly against the metal. Cyanide – the best poison for her chocolate-almond cakes. Loretta nodded at her chef, who then continued to put the cakes on delicate little plates with syrup. This, Loretta thought wistfully, this would be a feast to remember. She had three hundred guests and only five of them were vampires like herself. That meant that she and five of her vampiric brethren would content their never-ending thirst on the corpses of the dead.
It was a morbid, but true, thought. Loretta moved along the line, looking and tasting the almond flavored, cyanide based dishes: chicken with ‘almond’ sauce, salad with ‘almond’ dressing… Loretta relished at the thought – 295 guests perfectly dead before she bit into their warm lifeless bodies.
Later that night…
The party was magnificent and the turn out was astounding. For Loretta, it was a wonderful party, until she noticed that more than half of the guests were men – and they were there to see the most beautiful woman in the world. Loretta’s happiness at the party doubled then. For Loretta, men had the sweetest blood – and there were so many men: tall men, short men, handsome men, old men, balding men… all not realizing that they were about to have their blood spilled out. Loretta’s stomach rumbled.
She was kinder to her guests than she had ever been, knowing that they would die for her. For the most part, after saying hello, Loretta left the other guests alone, staying with those who were of her own species. Dmitri, the vampire that ran after her like a sad puppy, avoided her entirely, which pleased Loretta just fine. Valentino and Vladimir lurked in a corner with Moritia and Loretta – they all took long delicate sips of Loretta’s cyanide punch – watching as the guests fell helplessly dead: some writhing in pain, others wriggling as the cyanide pulsed through their veins… as their souls took flight. After they had all fallen, the feast began for Loretta, Moritia, Valentino, Vladimir, and Dmitri.
The Epilogue
You, my readers, must realize this: vampires cannot die unless they are ripped to shreds. Vampires seem to enjoy the kick that they get out of drinking cyanide – like how some humans like the kick they get out of roller coasters or alcohol or drugs, for vampires it’s addictive. But, even then, that cannot satisfy vampires. Their true pleasure and full satisfaction is given when they feast on human blood and the meat off of dead corpses.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
To answer many questions...
I miss you dearly... you and Oro and Glaedr... I finished Brisingr this morning on the bus... so freaking sad ; (
on another note, I am changing the 'all my love' to whatever is at the end of this post : )
Vortican/Everyone: You are correct, Matthew is neither modern nor spunky, but it has a ring to it... I think that I hereby close the forum for names to replace Matthew... But I hereby open a forum discussing names in general : ) that being said, any name that you put on here will probably end up being a character so name happy, dears.
The Elf-Wise Twins are Elise and Agar's children of course! and yeh, i think i might name the boy Valentine, but the girl needs some of your work : )
Worry yourselves not, Elf-Wise and Finding D.J. shall be posted on here soon enough, I promise and if I knew the ancient language, which I do not and which you cannot lie in, I would promise you then, but alas, I cannot.
My 'writing juices' for D.J. are flowing freely, so I must depart.
May the stars watch over you, my Minions,
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My dears,
Dmitri sounds like on of the Twins' names [the Elf Wise twins, not the Eragon Twins.] ooo, but these are rather too old names, even though i love them. Matthew has to have this spunky modern name, though I wish it did not have to be so.
Dmitri sounds like a Twilight/Eragon name, which I do adore...
I must leave now, my dears.
All my love,
Asiat Averas
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sippyeh, welcome to my almighty blog, but I honestly have no clue... WHO ARE YOU?? [I <3>
Sphinxy darling, I know you love Matt, but I couldn't think of another name: )
Open Suggestion:
Any other guy-names??
All my love,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
"Forbidden to Remember. Terrified to Forget."
Danielle hurts to much to remember every detail of Matthew [btw, Sphinx, what's WRONG with Matthew?? It's a great name!] but she is terrified to forget how much he cared for her.... so sweeet.
and Tabby Cat, I agree that it was pure genius to put Twilight in there : ) I hope Mrs. Meyers doesn't sue me though.
also, I found this other great song... Prelude 12/21 by AFI
This is what I brought you,
This you can keep.
This is what I brought,
You may forget me.
I promise to depart,
Just promise one thing.
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
and there are other variations on the verse.. it's kinda sad, but also it's like Danielle.
She won't depart with Matthew... It's really sad now that i think on it.
Also, as I just realized, the Prelude goes into this other song called Miss Murder. It's rlly good. If you're like me, then you'll like me... it's tragic and awesome : )
All my love,
Speed Writing Revisited..
Jason [emoliciousness embodied : ) thanx Dani for the word; he actually looks like the main singer of BLG... srry rlly off track : )] brushed the wet hair from my face.
"I don't know what he did to you, but I swear that someone somewhere has to be able to help you," he whispered, taking my face in his warm hands.
"Don't," I whispered, him hitting on me just made me feel worse about leaving Matthew. "Please, just don't."
"Please," he emplored me. "Please let me help you. I've known you for four days and..." he trailed off.
"And what?" I asked, almost shouting.
"And I..." he said again. He shook his head. "And I love you."
That made my heart skip a beat.
"You what!" I said, my voice cracking.
"Danielle, you can't tell me that you couldn't tell," Jason said brushing his thumb against my cheek.
"Well, I just thought that the sisters told you to be nice to me. It's a reasonable assumption," I said quietly, looking at my hands - I had no clue.
"No, well, yes, they did tell me to be nice to you, but no, that's not why I acted that way around you," he said coming closer. "I find you utterly intoxicating. What is it that Edward Cullen says?"
"That "I'm your brand of heroin"?" I whispered.
"Yeah, that's it," he whispered. Something intruged me.
"Wait a sec.," I said looking up into those gorgeous green eyes. "You read Twilight?"
"Yeah, I read it," he said looking back at me. A smile pulled up at his lips and he dazzled me... He was just too much.
"So you love me?" I asked.
"Yeah, I do. Got a problem with that?" he asked, teasing.
I wrapped my arms aroung him, even as betrayal rang through my body, and laid my head against his chest.
"No," I whispered. "No, I don't have a problem with it."
That's enough for now... satisfied or hungering for more??? I've got ten minutes to get my bum downstairs for Poltava so I've got to go... Remember Jason...
All my love,
Further Explanation
I seem to be doing a lot of this : )
Finding D.J.
D.J. = Danielle Jones.
Danielle Jones, last year at Church Camp, fell in love. She was sixteen. Matthew was different... the only way I can describe his looks is 'emolicious'... if that makes sense. The last day of camp, Matthew - the man Danielle had come to love - disapears and no one knows where.
Danielle is super depressed and the next year, her mom makes her go back to her nightmare. She finds herself falling for a fellow depressive person named Jason [also an emolicious person].. but won't let go of Matthew.
Then I will let you find out the rest. : ))) good luck.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
So my dears:
um RaNdOm : )))
My room is full of acrylic paint fumes and lavendar inscence... i was painting alllllllll morning and now i can see that i did almost nothing...
And, please don't be mad, I started ANOTHER one.
Finding DJ
The story about Karen, a girl who has a terrible secrect that she can't live with anymore.
Actually i was at lunch with Charlene and we noticed that someone had written I heart DJ in it, and thus started Finding DJ.
OH WELL!!! so much for me sticking to one story : )
Kugs, My dears,
Eragon is a 15-yr-old farmboy, a native of Alagesia in the small town of Carvahall, who goes out hunting. Little does he know that when he brings home a smooth blue stone that his life is about to change forever. When the stone hatched into a dragon, [thus making the stone a dragon egg, instead of a stone] Eragon's two-feet-big life is blown to pieces. Eragon must escape the tyranical emperor, Galbatorix, to survive with his dragon, Saphira [she's blue: )] ... He escapes to the Varden, a organization that fights the Empire tooth and claw [tooth and claw, one of my fav Eragon lines : )] Eragon escapes to the Varden with the help of Carvahall's storyteller [who was previously a Dragon Rider] Brom and Murtagh, who was the son of one of Galbatorix's Minions [his name was Morzan]. The Varden, with their new-found mascots Eragon and Saphira, desperately fight off Urgals [strange guys w/ horns and grey skin... kinda gross, but sooo adorable : )] and Galbatorix's men.
I probably should tell you about Arya, an elf that Eragon rescues from Galbatorix's clutches, and Roran, Eragon's cousin, and that I'm leaving out some major details so that you can find them out when you actually read the book. o and there's Durza, an evil Shade [basically his magic feeds off of ghosts' souls... he's really creeeeeeepy.]
The Varden is currently housed in the dwarf-city of Farthen Dur with it's center of Trojihem [spellings so wrong there : )] and the dwarve's prize, Isidar Mithrim or the Star Rose [it's a big blue sapphire that was carved into the shape of a rose, it's huge like about the size of one of our a-typical classrooms : ) i would love to own it]
So the Urgals are mashing up the Varden and Eragon is holding an all-out war against Durza. So Eragon is on the ground, at the feet of the Isidar Mithrim and Durza. Durza is being a pain and slashes Eragon's back. Arya and Saphira, in a desparate try to save Eragon's life, take the Isidar Mithrim from it's perch at the top of Trojihem and send it crashing and shattering to the floor of Trojihem... It gives Durza a momentary distraction and Eragon manages to set his sword on fire [using Brisingr, the ancient language word for fire, srry my brother is reading off to me...] and plunges the sword into Durza's heart. The End of Eragon, Book 1 in the Inheritance Cycle. [formerly it was a trilogy...]
Next up: Eldest
Thursday, October 2, 2008
And ELVA yet?? gosh, she needs a BiG OlD SlAp on the FaCe!!!
o well, Slavjane tonight... grr. *howls like Agar in panther-state*
listening to Solja Boy [Alvin and the Chipmucks version]...
you.. crank that solja boy... you...
okay NOT going to go there ; )
I love you, dears: ))
Asiat [figured kisses+hugs= kugs got it?]
PS: Friday = the Great Escape - me an 'livia escaping from teh world of social life being disordered.
PSS: if the skies keep looking like this then I'll finish Part I of Elf-Wise. Snow Patrol+grey skies = a force so magnamous i can't resist : )
Spoiler Alert!!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
hey, cherrios - smile!